What's UP With your Friends?

on 8/27/09 11:52 pm
We'll peep this out,
I have a very close friend who has always been there for me; but since surgery, seems that she a little bit jealous. I don't know why when at 321lbs, she's still smaller than me, the jealous monster is so obvious till she killing herself at the Gym 7 days a week.. she didn't even go to the gym before I had surgery. When went out last week with a friend of the family and all night he kept telling me," you have lost a lot of weight, asking me dance." Generally if we hang out, guys always pay her attention, but I would never sweat it. I guess sometimes people like it when your the funny fat girl of the group but when you kinda threaten that scenario they be like.. SHE' TAKING MY LIME LIGHT." But that is strange especially when I always encourage her, be there for her.. Do think she could be a little jealous?
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."   
on 8/28/09 1:41 am - Worcester, MA
hi! i havent had this happen as im only 5 weeks out, but ive read a lot of posts about when you're no longer the "designated fat friend" some people cant handle it, they may love you for who you are, but they also love the fact that being with you makes them feel better about themselves. my advice, talk to her about it, maybe not directly maybe say something a little off like "wow you know, i really feel like i have my life back, i feels good to have this attention, thank you for being there for me, ive really appreciated all your support" maybe the niceness will knock some sense into her...
on 8/28/09 8:33 am
Thanks you are right,
I hate to see what she will do when I get down to 180lbs.. she problably STARVE herself!! LOL!!
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."   
on 8/28/09 8:37 am

It's funny to me because; I always see other people and they will say... you have a cute face... but that's just a insult because what they are trying to say is... you have a cute face but yoour bodies fat... anyways she will be alrigtht.. thanks for your input!!

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."   
(deactivated member)
on 8/28/09 3:42 am - Glenside, PA
Sounds like jealousy to me.  I agee with the poster above.  Maybe some talking will open her up and knock some sense into her.
on 8/28/09 12:01 pm - Tallahassee, FL

Once you talk to her and settle any potential jealousy issues you can use it to your advantage.  If she's motivated to go to the gym, let that help you in your efforts to become healthier.  You both can encourage each other!

RNY: 7/2009

HW:  361   SW: 320  CW:  157.6

on 8/28/09 11:56 pm
True that;
But she doesn't want to go to the gym together, the whole point with her is she thinks someone is always trying to beat her... never was interested in a gym till I had surgery, never started going until I did... I guess it's not that she doesn't care for me it just... so crazy way she has to compete.. and it not really that serious.. I told her we can both get healthy.. "she look at me and ask was I calling her fat by saying that!!".... LOL... But I luv her for the good and bad that's my homie..
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."   
on 8/30/09 1:58 am - Winslow, AZ
OMG!  You could be writing about my life!!  My best friend is exactly the same way!!  We actually aren't talking right now.  The only difference is she is verbal and has told me that I am going to turn into a stuck up skinny *****yeah, right out of her mouth.  I just told her I am already stuck up skinny has nothing to do with it.  It shut her up at least.  I hate that our friendship might end because of this but maybe it wasn't as strong as I thought it was in the first place?  Jealousy is evil.  Good luck with everything!


on 8/31/09 11:48 am
Yeah you are right;
So people pass through your life at a certain time... just thought they would be happy for me.. maybe because they are not happy with themselves.

Guess we have to encourge each other Huh.. thanks for your input.
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."   
on 8/30/09 11:23 pm - XX
We have to realize that there are people who will go to the grave with us and there are those who will drop off along the way.  It's okay.....its life. People become so comfortable or familiar with who we are that when we CHANGE its scary to them...and even to those of us who are changing.  True friends are there forever...good, bad, ugly.  Who's sitting on the front row in your life?  Here is a poem that I think is awesome:

“Life is a Theater — Invite Your Audience Carefully"

Not everyone is spiritually healthy and mature enough to have a front row seat in our lives.  There are some people in your life that need to be loved from a distance.

It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go, or at least minimize your time with draining, negative, incompatible, not-going-anywhere relationships, friendships, fellowships.

Observe the relationships around you.
Pay attention to: Which ones lift and which ones lean?
Which ones encourage and which ones discourage?
Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going downhill?
When you leave certain people, do you feel better or feel worse?
Which ones always have drama or don't really understand, know and appreciate you and the gift that lies within you?

When you seek growth, peace of mind, love and truth, the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sit in the front row and who should be moved to the balcony of your life.

You cannot change the people around you but you can change the people you are around.

Ask God for godly wisdom and discernment and choose wisely the people who sit in the front row of your life.

Be the CHANGE in the world...that you want to see 
   Mahatma Ghandi

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