How much are you guys eating at each meal??

on 8/27/09 8:53 am
Hey guys!
I was just curious how much you guys are eating at a meal.  I have been religiously using my scale (except when I go out to eat...because that would be weird...not that i didn't consider it but then i thought about the stares and the kiddos embarassment...anyways) I eat 2 oz meals at least 4 times a day, sometimes up to 6 times a day.  I can handle the 2 oz just fine.  I was thinking about uping it to 3 oz at a time.  Just wondering how much you guys are eating? What are you guys eating regularly?  I love being able to come here and chat with you guys!

on 8/27/09 9:46 am - Foster, RI

I am six weeks post rny on Thursday.  I am eating about one cup of food at a meal.  I eat cottage cheese, soups, refried beans, yogurt, and I have had scallops and fish.  I also drink milk, juice, and of course my protein shakes.  I am going to see the surgeon on Wednesday and should be transitioning to a more substantial diet.  I have a class to go to to help with this.  I am going back to work on 9/3.  I am hoping I can fit my meals into my work schedule.  I am a nurse and it can be very hectic a lot of the time.  I used to just grab a quick snack like chips or cookies.  Can't do that anymore.  I am a little worried about it but sure it will work out. 

on 8/27/09 9:58 am - Long Beach, CA
I'm eating between a half cup to a cup depending on the meal. If it's more runny and liquidy I eat closer to a cup and if it's thicker I eat more like a half cup. I just eat until I feel full and that's when I stop. I serve myself a small amount and then try to pace myself to fini**** If I can't I put away the rest or give the rest to the cat, lol... she likes that.
SW:230 CW:159 GW:135

on 8/27/09 11:36 am - Tallahassee, FL

When I measure I'll do 2-4oz of volume at a time.  For soups I've done up to 6oz at once.  When I have meat or seafood I weigh out 2 oz but also eat 2oz in volume of a veggie or cheese spread to go with it.

I'm always scared that I'm eating way too much when I go out to eat.  I don't have any fullness signs yet still, but when I get scared and give up about 5 mins later when I get up and walk around *bam* I feel pressure on my chest.  Not painful, just a slightly heavy sensation.

RNY: 7/2009

HW:  361   SW: 320  CW:  157.6

on 8/27/09 12:28 pm - Whitehouse, TX
Are you guys counting your calories?  I'm eating about 1/4 cup on solids, closer to half on softer foods.  As I've transitioned to more solid foods, I'm having trouble keeping my calories up! 

My typical day is:

BA shake at 6:00
BA shake or cheese stick at 10:00
chicken salad and melba toast at 2:00
BA shake or cheese stick at 4:00 (not every day)
Dinner - varies typically chicken or fish

I change it up some, but finding this doesn't add up to 800 - 900 calories.  I'm starting to add back some fruit or peanut butter (PB2 powder) to shakes to up the calories.  Don't want to just add carb calories.  I need to also start trying more fruits and see what works.
on 8/27/09 12:39 pm - TX
I try to eat 1/2 cup on most things.  If it's soup or chili I can eat one cup. 
on 8/27/09 1:06 pm
I am still having to make myself eat somedays. At most i eat 2-3oz max everytime i eat i usually cannot handle more than that or i get that sick feeling.
Consult weight 329
surgery weight 318
current weight 177
goal 165

(deactivated member)
on 8/27/09 1:22 pm - Glenside, PA
Thanks for starting this thread! 
I noticed that I am eating about 1/2 to 1 cup at a meal and worried that it was too much.  I also noticed that when I drink too close to meal time I can't fit in enough food.  This means less caloried for each meal.  It took me a bit to figure that out and I had a couple of really low calorie days before I did.
on 8/27/09 1:35 pm
So it seems like we are all in the same boat.  I am going to up what I serve myself to 3 oz and see how that goes.  I just at 3 oz of pintos and cheese and that was fine.  I don't usually eat more than one thing at a time. mostly because I am not that creative in my food choices.  Here is my average day:

Pre-breakfast: Shake
Breakfast: Oatmeal or cottage cheese or a protein bar
Lunch 2-3 oz of meat (chicken or turkey) or maybe egg salad
Snack: 1 oz of cheese
D: 2 oz of meat
S: yogurt, cottage cheese, lunch meat.

This gives me generally 650-700 calories.  When I add a protein bar I get higher calorie marks.   And BTW, I've never been a big fruit or veggie person so I really don't eat much of them.  I do allow myself some carbs, but not too many and not all on the same day.  For example. I may eat oatmeal one day, an oz of ww pasta another day, a slice of toast another day.  I usually don't even eat them two days in a row.  Thank you for the input!

on 8/28/09 2:48 am - Highland, CA
How can you eat that much? I only eat one or twic a day because i feel full all the time and sick to my tummy.. I am loosing fine but i cant even thhink of food it makes me sick to think of. what's wrong with me?
authorization  was given  on 6/3/09
 starting weight  -293
current weight 146
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