
(deactivated member)
on 7/26/09 5:39 am, edited 7/26/09 5:41 am
I don't want carbs anymore!!!  But no matter how long I've been on just shakes I still want them!  I guess I'm going to have to revamp the entire family's diet.  My husband is on nights this week so I don't go all out on supper.  So I made the girls some Hamburger Helper and steamed asparagus.  OMG that Hamburger Helper was calling my name...NO it was screaming my name!!! 

What am I going to do?

I know that I have to have some carbs, but I dont want those bad carbs.  It's like being attracted to bad boys.  I know they are no good for me, but they're so cute!!!
on 7/26/09 7:10 am - TX
Realistically, you're not going to eliminate your favs out of your diet forever.  I think it's about substituting the bad carbs (white flour, white rice, sugar) with healthier choices (whole grains, brown rice, sugar substitutes).   Even then, everything in moderation.

I've been using low carb pastas and sugar free whole grains with my family and they don't know the difference.  Hamburger helper wouldn't taste must different to your kids if you made it with low carb whole grain pasta and ground turkey instead of beef.   

I'm a big fan of the Sneaky Chef.  I add chopped spinach and shredded zucchini to spaghetti sauce and my kids (and hubby) don't know those extra veggies are there.   A can of pureed sweet potatoes makes taco meat really moist and delicious and amps up the vitamin content of the meal.   

As you go along, you'll figure out little changes that make your choices heathier and more weight loss friendly.    It's a process.   I love Shelly's recipes.  I can eat them and my kids like them too.  has some good wl friendly recipes too.

on 7/26/09 9:08 am
I am the same way i know for the rest of my life i will not be able to handle not eating bread,rice or pasta they were/are a huge part of the family diet i have 3 kids and a rice/pasta loving hubby.  So i am going to slowly start changing to whole wheat pasta/brown rice and whole wheat breads in fact my book has recipes for pasta dishes and one happens to be spaghetti and meatballs but it has turkey meat balls and whole wheat spaghetti and now thanks to my pouchy poo i will not be able to handle much but i can still have it as long as i keep it in check.  My huge fear is gaining weight back i didn't go thru all this to loose all the weight and then gain it back.  I know that a lot of it is in my head and if i can control that i think i will do ok  i look at the huge bowl of ice cream my hubby sits down and has and go omg that looks so so good then i think omg that is what got me to 329 lbs.  I can still have frozen treats but my ice cream will be no sugar added or SF or frozen yogurt and i can handle that. My friend had this surgery March 23 rd of this year and she has already lost 95 lbs and she is my insiration.  She did tell me to go out and get some sugar free candies and cookies like one pack each cause she said she will get a craving once and a while and she will have one cookie she even found sugar free oreos. Now she said she dosen't get it very often and more often than not craves fruit and veggies but once a month or so needs that one cookies if you know what i mean.
Granted i am only two weeks out but i did a test cause everyone told me your taste will change i took one very very tiny bite of hersheys chocolate and let it melt in my mouth and it does taste different to me weird huh.    Just keep your card to whole wheat and stay away from the bad white boys althugh i will have to have a patatoe every once in a while. My friend does all browns except taters and she does great.  WE CAN DO IT!   I was thinking of putting a sign on my fridge and pantry doors saying NO WHITE ALLOWED lol!
Consult weight 329
surgery weight 318
current weight 177
goal 165

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