July 10th - surgery was COMPLETED!
Thanks! I am glad to hear that you are doing well too. My 3 kids are in daycare for the first week while I am recovering at home but I am sure when they aren't, they are going to be expecting me to do the same things your son is expecting of you. Today, I am still on the clear liquids. Sugar free jello, sugar free popsicles, chicken broth, and crystal light (diluted). I for some reason cannot tolerate beef broth or plain water. I gag on both. LOL But GUESS WHAT? I am off the pain meds and I actually drove to the bank by myself and tootled around driving for about 15 minutes. Then came home, relaxed, and ended up taking about an hour+ nap in the recliner. I guess it wore me out more than I thought! Well, do keep in touch. It is nice to know that I am not alone in this You take care as well! M-