What's your To-Do list Pre-Op??
1. Clean up bedroom.
2. Get baby in his own room. (ok, he's not techically a baby, he's 20 months old)
3. Clean the baby's room out, it's kind of become a storage room.
4. Buy a Bariatric Multivitamin.
5. Buy some protein powder. Not too much or too expensive because I hear our tastes change.
6. Stock up fridge with post-op foods.
7. Work out childcare issues while I am in the hospital. Recruit help after I get home and hubby goes back to work.
8. Clean house and do laundry (UGGGGG!!!) Maybe I'll give myself an early B-day gift and hire someone to come and clean for me. Doubltful since I have a hospital co-pay to consider...
Still thinking about other things...What's on your list?
just thought!
hugs to you
My To-Do list is similar, but I don't have kids, so alot of that is off the list. Surgery is July 1, so much of it is done.
1. Clean Kitchen ---- spotless - Almost there, just need to finish fridge
2. Have protien available. - Done, I bought tons of samples and have some RTD ones from the hospital
3. Laundry - I started this, I want everything done so that I can go a while before having to do it again.
4. Get rid of the stuff I can't eat and replace with stuff I can eat - Will be done on Monday.
5. Line up "help" for month of July and warn them it could be into August. - I am a single homeowner so I will need help with lots of stuff. I don't want to risk hernia, so I need help with hauling trash, mowing the yard, weedwacking, filling salt in water softener. My laundry is also in the basement, but I have decided I can just carry small amounts a bunch of times rather than a basketfull at once.
6. Stock up on drinking water
7. Get bandages, vitamins, Pepcid AC for post op - Done
8. Find new lies to tell my mom so she will go away and leave me alone. - In progress - I don't think I will ever be done avoiding her.
I really think I am ready for this. I have been preparing for 18 months so I've had lots of time to learn from others about what is important. I am just really worried about making sure I have help with lifting and stuff. I have a pretty high pain tolerance and I don't want to risk hernia so I'm trying to really plan ahead on the day to day home maintenance stuff I do.
Good Luck to all the July surgeries. I am so excited!!!
Instead of baby spoons I went to World Market and bought ****tail forks and spoons. They are small like babyspoons, but they look grown up. I bought some small plates and bowls there too. Somthing about eating off of primary colored plates with baby animals on them and using plastic coated spoons was bothering me. I want to be able to sit and the table with my signifigant other and eat a meal without feeling like I belonged at the kiddy table or the playland at McDonalds. I know it's my hangup, but thought I would let others know there are options.
Good Luck!!!!! One week away, its so exciting.