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Topic: RE: Finally! July 14th!
Congrats on your surgery date I am also on July 14th. Good Luck and see you on the loser's bench. - Heather
Topic: Finally! July 14th!
I got my date today, July 14th, IF we can get insurance approval by that date. I can't wait to be a loser!
Topic: RE: I've joined this group because my surgery date is 7/1/08
My surgery date is July the 9th but I still have not been approved by my insurance yet. I should know something in the next two weeks. Send out a prayer in my favor.
Topic: RE: Surgery date July 10th in Schenectady NY :)
Great news! Congratulations from the left coast.

Topic: RE: Finally....Surgery July 1st 08
I'm still waiting for insurance approval. My doctor's office says the first date I could do it is July 7 but they won't schedule until they have approval.
Hoping insurance comes through soon,
Topic: RE: My surgery date is July 14th!!
Hey Kaitlin. Congrats on you surgery. I am also scheduled for July 14, 2008. I am so excited and can not wait but I am sure the time will fly by. I also live outside of Boston. Good Luck and I am sure you will be enjoying teh beach next summer. Heather
Topic: RE: Surgery... July 7th!
Hi Kim- I live in Joliet IL too and I am scheduled at Silver Cross on July 7th as well...where is your surgery???>????? Let's keep in touch!