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Topic: What are you doing to prepare for surgery?
Hello all you July grads. My date is 7/8. I am so excited for all of us going on the venture! We ALL deserve it.
What are you doing to prepare for surgery, or what was your biggest challenge getting ready for this?
Personally, I have done all that the NUT has asked of me - cut out the caffeine, cut back on carbs, walk, etc. But, I'd say the biggest challenge preop for me is no drinking with meals. It is so second nature to me that I have to really make an effort not to do this. And I love milk, so it has been a challenge, but I'm working on it.
Best wishes everyone!
Topic: SURGERY JULY 2 *****YAHOOOO****
Surgery date finally set, can't wait. I am both nervous and excited at the same time.
Topic: RE: My date is July 2
me too....I'm scheduled July 2 with Dr. Rumbaut in Mexico. Just over 2 weeks now...ready or not here we go!!!
Topic: RE: July 9th anyone?
Hi Donna,
No, I have just been instructed to do 2000 calories, and most of it from protein and then clear liquids for the 3 days prior to surgery.
I'm anxious and excited!!
Good luck and keep in touch!
Topic: RE: Surgery date July 10th in Schenectady NY :)
Hey, Nanette,
July 10th is my date as well... though I will be several hundred miles west of you. I am on Optifast and to have surgery at 0730am on the 10th of July in Akron, OH. I have visited Schenectady, long ago when I was an Air Force Wife. We traveled to Rome, NY. And we visited an old fort and loved the finger lakes region. I hope all goes very well with you.

Topic: RE: July 9th anyone?
I am scheduled for the 10th of July but am going to be looking to see great things from you, since you are having surgery so close to my date. Have you had to do Optifast for 2-4 weeks before surgery? I am not liking it too much so far..
Hope all goes well for you, Take care,
Topic: 7/28 is a very good day
Hi Folks,
My surgury is scheduled for 7/28 in New Jersey. Can't wait to get this party started! Anybody else on for 7/28?
Topic: RE: July 16-Will it ever get here?
That is so great to have family support. I couldn't do it without my family. My husband is skinny as a rail so he just doesn't appreciate how hard my life is. He does support me in this journey through surgery though. My whole family is my safety net. My sister keeps me in line too!
Right now I'm scheduled for my pre-op tests next week. Have you had your testing done? Did you have to do the psychological evaluation? My biggest worry is the pre-op diet that I have start three weeks before the big day. I'm just terrible at sticking to diets and the anxiety of waiting for surgery isn't going to make it any easier. When you have to start your pre-op diet and what sort of diet is it? I've seen all sorts of diet requirement on the site. I wanted to compare note
It's getting closer. How many days are we at now?
Topic: RE: I've joined this group because my surgery date is 7/1/08
Hi Denice,
You are in my prayers. By the way, I have a sister that spells her name the same way you do. interesting.
I am still waiting on my insurance company to approve the surgery. Hopefully I'll find out today. It would be so much easier to start the liquid diet on Monday if I knew for sure that the surgery was approved. Not knowing is maddening.
Have a happy day.