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Topic: Hoping to have surgery
I am 39 years old 5"4 , 245 lbs and my knees and ankles hurt so bad because I have gained so much weight. I have tried curves, weigh****chers, Adipex and water pills prescribed by doctor I have been very unsucesful but I realized I got to do something so I hope BMI 42.5.
Topic: 7/7 Surgery in OC - Pre Op Diet Questions
Has anyone started the pre op diet?
I would love any tips regarding the vanilla shake (what have you added that you liked the most???)
Topic: RE: Surgery Set for July 15, 2008
I am also scheduled for July 15th. At this point I am not scared just so ready.
Topic: Have a surgery Jul 8
I have a surgery date for 8 July at DekalbMedical in Atlanta... Have to be there at 0600 that morning but surgery at 0800am.
Topic: Yay! Surgery date moved up to 7/1 from 7/8
I better start planning. Tons to do...
1. Start liquid diet
2. Prepare foods for after surger
3. Research proper vitamins to take after surgery
4. Clean house
5. Pack bag
6. Get work short term dis papers completed.
Any helpful tips from on how you post ops handled all of this?
Topic: RE: Good luck everyone - from a July 07 post op
Thank you so very much and I do mean it from the bottom of my heart. I am scheduled to have my tool placed on July 21st and I am already getting butterflies.
Diane J.
Topic: RE: My date is 07-08-08
Hi! Our surgeries are the same day!!!! I can relate with your heartache so well, we went through years of infertility treatments ~ ours was a success story 3x over and I wish the same and very best for you! XOX
Topic: Good luck everyone - from a July 07 post op
As I approach my surgery anniversary I was thinking how scared I was. I would have never expected the success I've had. I have not had one complication. My blood work is good, my energy through the roof and the results amazing.
Good luck to all of you. Stick to the rules and it will be amazing!
Topic: RE: date is coming
Hi! We have the same date
My doctor didn't say I had to do the liquid diet, but I have no appetite. I recently split up with my boyfriend and I can't eat a thing so I am drinking liquids by default.
I hope everything goes well for you...