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Topic: July 10th surgery and on medifast now
My surgery is for July 10th and im so scared. im on the medifast and i hate it, im constantly hungry, anyone have any idead on what foods i can (cheat) with to eat?
Topic: RE: Surgery Set for July 15, 2008
Mine is scheduled on the 17th.
I cant wait!!!
But I am a little nervous as well.
Topic: RE: SURGERY JULY 2 *****YAHOOOO****
I am having surgery on July 2nd, as well. I am having gastric sleeve. I am scared, nervous, anxious and EXCITED!
HUgs, Karen R

Topic: I just realized I'm a picky eater
I was just looking at some ways to get extra protein & I realized I'm a picky eater. I hate milk, but I will eat yogurt. I can't stand the tase of any of the protien powders Iv'e tried so far. Help !!!!!!!! Any suggestions?
Topic: RE: 7/7 Surgery in OC - Pre Op Diet Questions
PB2 (A dry peanut butter you can buy online)
1 tsp Simply Peanut Butter (lower in fat and sugar)
Sugar Free DaVinci Syrups, my favs are Blueberry, German Chocolate Cake and Hazelnut (46 flavors available online)
Soy Slender Cappuccino flavor (made with splenda)
12 tsp decaf coffee crystals, splenda and chocolate Soy Slender
Congratulations and Enjoy
Topic: RE: What are you doing to prepare for surgery?
I have a remind in my calendar that pops up every 2 hours that says "Each time I exercise I get closer to my goal" For me, music is key. I put together 3 CDs just for exercising. See my profile for CD1 songs if you can't think of any. Sometimes I walk circles around my back patio deck, sometimes I walk circles in my living room, sometimes I bounce on my rebounder with a bar $100 and well worth it.
I also made a rule that every time I talk on the phone, I must walk and talk. No sitting on the couch. Find what works for you and get those feet moving.
Come on feet, don't fail me now!

Topic: RE: What are you doing to prepare for surgery?
There are also unflavored whey protein and egg white protein. I ordered them from The egg whites were a little salty for me, but I haven't cooked with salt for years.
you can put these in jello, pudding (add milk to make it soupy at first), soup, skim milk...anything with no additional flavor.
Amt Units Prot Cal Fat SFat Carbs
Egg White Protein, unflavored, Jay Rob 1 scoop 24 115 0 0 1
Whey Protein unflavored, Jay Robb 1 scoop 26 110 0 0 0
That a nice amount of protein per scoop.
I also just received New-Whey Liquid Protein that has 43g of protein! I got that from They have several flavors.
Topic: RE: What are you doing to prepare for surgery?
Well, now that it seems "real" I am doing a lot of research. I am on a 6 week pre-op Optifast diet. I am following it since I know I got to show myself I can control my hunger and behavior. I also began exercising this week. I follow several successful bandsters. I can see that exercise is an important factor to add into weight loss. I figure now is the time to get off my a** and get going.