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Topic: RE: July 14th is the date!
I'm also having surgery in July too!! The time will go by quickly and all will be good. Let me know if you would like someone to go through this with... I'll be here!
Topic: Western New Life WLS Support Group
This new support group has been officially formed as a branch group of the Eastern New LIfe WLS Support Group that meets in Longneck, DE.
We meet at Trinity United Methodist Church, 17249 Phillips Hill Road, Laurel, De. We will be meeting each 3rd Thursday of the month. The next meeting is May 15th from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Everyone is welcome!
Activities scheduled for future meetings:
May - protein taste testing and recipe sharing
July - craft night - we'll be making new bracelets for our medical IDs
Group Leaders: Jennifer Rosen ([email protected]) and Heather O'Connor ([email protected])
Topic: July 14th is the date!
Seems like so far away! 10 more weeks of waiting! 10 more weeks of everyone trying to talk me out of the surgery! I can do it....
Topic: New Support Group in Delaware
I am forming a new support group in Laurel, Delaware. We will have our first meeting on Thursday, May 1st from 7:00-8:30pm at Trinity United Methodist Church, 17249 Phillips Hill Road, Laurel, De. Everyone is welcome! We'll discuss the name of the group, meeting times and dates, and have time for people to get to know one another! Please contact me if you have any questions.
Topic: RE: July 7th is my date
I just got out from the surgeons office and they scheduled me for July 2nd! WOOOHOOO! I have already lost a manadatory 10% of my weight needed for surgery approval and need to maintain or continuing losing til then..... :angst:
Good luck to you and enjoy your vacation!!
Topic: RE: July 7th is my date
My date is still tenative, mid July 2008. I have waited about three years to make the decision and am thrilled at the possibility of being healthy and fit. I would love to share my experiences and information with people going through this life changing hopes and challenges for the future. Presently, I am just doing the pre-op behavorial things my nutritionist recommended; exercise (my weakness), chew chew chew and take 20-30 per meal, and give up fried foods. I am very anxious to learn more about the protein drinks and vitamin supplements that will be required post-op so I can start stocking up. If you need someone to talk too, please contact me. I think knowledge is power and support will the key to our success

Topic: RE: July 14th, hopefully!
I do not have a date yet but it will be mid to end of July. I have two more meetings with my nutritionist. That is ok because I need the guideance and the knowledge she has to offer. I have been really waiting three years to make a decision to have the surgery. I also have myy behavorial scheduled for May. The pre-op diet for me now is just behavorial modifications, learning to chew, chew and eat slowly, exercise (my weakness), and no fried foods. I am very anxious to learn more about the protein drinks and start stocking up. I am so hopeful that this will work for us - I hope I am not one of the statistics that fails. I am doing this for health reasons but I must say it will nice to be small again. I am not used to being obese...I have never written that down before...and it is hard to realize that I am and it all started when I had, and before, I had congestive heart failure. My main concern is taking all the medicines I need for my heart. I have two cardio doctors that say I need the surgery so I guess we will figure it out. If you need to talk I will share what I know...I think we both need support

Topic: July 14th, hopefully!
My original date was April 28th and then my insurance denied me
so now I have to redo a 3 month physician assisted program for them to give me my approval. My surgeon has set aside the 14th for me. I wanted the 7th but that would put me starting my pre-op diet for my parents 50th wedding anniversary so I decided to wait until the 14th. What kind of pre-op diet do your surgeons require of you? Keep in touch.

Topic: RE: July 7th is my date
my surgery is tentatively scheduled for July 2, 2007 for Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass
it would be nice to stay in touch and share information and support each other.