How long does it take to schedule surgery?
Insurance approved lap band procedure for me in mid July. Drs office immediately sent me to the hospital to have pre-op tests done on July 19. They said tests should be back in a week and then I will come in and talk to Dr. and he will schedule my surgery. two questions: How long does that usually take? Days? weeks? months? Also, will there be anything else I still have to do in terms of paperwork or other commitments? I am ready for this to happen!
Just depends on your surgeon's schedule -- seems like its usually a month or less for most people I've read about on here (and was for me) -- maybe someone else who's had the same surgeon could give you an idea. After mine was scheduled I had to get pre-op labs done, see an exercise physiologist, spend a couple of hours with a dietician regarding diet, both pre-op and post-op. I'm having the lapRNY, but I'm not sure the pre-op stuff is that different. It all seems to vary quite a bit though, depending on your surgeon and his or her program. Good luck.