Scared to death!
My surgery date is July 28. This has been a long process, and now that it is so close, I am getting scared. It doesn't help that I googled "death in WLS" and read everyones awful stories. I have always been told that the chance of death is 1/200. But now I have read that the chance of death in the first 30 days is 1/50! Has anyone else heard that statistic? I am also worried about complications - has anyone here had leaks in their staples? What about constant pain and vomiting for years after? Vitamin deficiences? I have a lot of confidence in my surgery team - I am afraid of the risks we have no control over.
Take a breather!! It is natural to be scared, this is major surgery. I have never heard the 1 in 50 or the 1 in 200. I'm sure you have researched your surgen and the hospital. Have you gone to your home state forum yet and talk to anyone there yet? You may have a few folks who have the same surgen or have had the surgery at the same hospital. Leakage can happen but they are going to watch you for that and will test you the next day after your surgery before they even let you have your first protein meal. You will have a Berium swollow test. You might even get to see it as they do it. They have you stand up infront of this xray machine and record this nasty thick chalky liquid that you'll have a hell of time to get down, go down to your stomach and through your intestines. It will show any leaks. They will give you a list of things to watch for and you will be back in a week to see the surgen and again in a few more weeks and so on. I know of one lady on the NC board that did have issues with leaks but she is straight now. Infections do occur but not the norm. Blood clots is the big issue with major surgeries so they do encourage you to walk alot espically the first month after surgery when all you want to do is sleep. Some people do get sick to their stomaches most time from not sipping or eating extremely small bites chewed to peices before they swallow. If you put to much in it will hurt like hell and hopefully yes hopefully come back up. You have to play by the rules for real!! I don't know of anyone having constent pain. Yes the first month is tough by it get's easier each week. Vomiting can be from alot of things. Some people can't tolerate milk products anymore or high starchy carb foods but try them anyways. For some it goes away. Personally I wish I did dump on high startchy foods. Just high creamy stuff and butterscotch sauce. The majority of people do fine with this surgery. Things do happen but you won't here about the thousands of us who have no problems. You will need to take viatamins the rest of your life but it is a trade off from diabitis meds or high blood pressure meds or any other issues that come with being over weight. You will be fine you just have to be committed.
I'm also on the 28th and appreciate your comments, Lynn. My doctor says that the death % for this procedure is the same as with any surgery. I would think that the 1/50 would be referring to 1 death out of 50 people with major complications. Just my opinion though.
Wishing you great success, Kris.
Hello Cherri!
I hope this e-mail finds you home and recovering well. I got home on Thursday and seem to be doing well. I have a really wierd rash on my stomach and leg and it is hard to get comfortable sleeping sometimes, but it is getting better everyday. Isopure has saved me although I find it hard to get all my liquids in. No vomiting yet - some diarhea - lots of peeing! The worst thing about the whole thing was the hospital stay afterward. But I even survived that so I can survive everything! Take care!
Hi, Kris ~ I'd guess everyone is scared when they get about where we are (my date is 7/31) -- I am, for sure! I've never heard either of those statistics -- but I have heard that death rates and complications vary widely, depending on the surgeon and the number of procedures he or she has done. So possibly, if everyone who has ever had WLS were all lumped together, disregarding who did the surgery and where -- maybe the overall death rate could be that high -- but even so, it's a meaningless statistic. The only death rate you have to worry about is your surgeon's -- and if you need to, then you could ask him or her about it.
My doctors have said a person is much more likely to die from being morbidly obese than from having the surgery -- not the most cheerful thought, I know.
When I get freaked about all this, it has really helped me to go look at the before and after pictures on this site -- all those folks, some even fatter than I, who have changed their lives so much -- looking good and healthy. It gives me hope.
The things we can't control -- well, they're things we can't control...
But I know my surgeon is good at what he does -- I know I've failed at losing weight any other way you than think of -- and I know I don't want to just stand around and wait to be killed or crippled by a stroke or diabetes. Everything's a risk -- but for me, my chances are better if I have the surgery than if I don't. Come surgery day, I'm gonna climb on that gurney and hope they give me enough drugs to help me stay on.
And between now and then, I'm not going to google "death in WLS"
or do anything to make it harder than it has to be --
God bless,

My surgery date is the 29th, am I scared YES. Am I scared to die from being obese YES. Last night after reafing more of the boards, I was ready to cancel my surgery. Will I have regrets MAYBE, do I have regrets now that I waited five years to do this...DEFINATELY.
People on this board have been wonderful and very helpful. Just keep thinking positive and remember we are all in the same boat
Hey Kris!!! Congratulations!!!! I just had my RNY surgery on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 and it is only Sunday, July 27, 2008 & I am feeling GREAT!! I have been off of pain meds for 2 days and I started getting back into my walking routine today. Taking it slow and listening to my body has been key to me. Follow ALL of your doctor's advice, he is the professional. I actually went to my scrapbook club meeting and stayed a little over 2 hrs scraping it up on Friday. (It helped that it was at my neighbor's house, so I new I was close to home.) The best advice is to pray and stay calm and it will be all over before you know it!!!
God Bless!
- Darcy
hi kris! Well your surgery was a couple days ago and i'm sure you are feeling differently already. i had a sleeve done exactly 7 days ago. i am feeling great and have not had pain meds for 5 days. i am not going to lie to you, there is still some discomfort in certain moves i make but it is manageable. also, my 3rd and 4th days out were emotional. i think i cried for a solid two days. be sure to have people lined up to keep your mind busy. have a friend take you to the movie, or rent some. read a book, scrapbook, have something planned in case you start feeling blue. i think my daughter has repainted my toenails 6 times already just to feel the spaces!!!
since my surg. i've lost 12 pounds without blinking. you will be fine. i will keep checking on you.