leaks,,, did anyone have any leaks ,, that is my only real concern
Why are you afraid? Are you having issues? I had no problem at all but most of the doctors give you a "leak" test the day after surgery and you have a drain that shows if anything abnormal leaks out. Don't be afraid, just know its a concern and do exactly what they tell you to do. My major fear was blood clots so when they told me to haul my happy self up and walk I took off. I walked everywhere - at first dragging the IV pole beside me then later on my own. I totally get that some things freak you out!
My freak out point is looking like a sharpei down the road. My doctor reassured me plastic surgery can take care of that, then I was fine.
For you it's leaks. Ask your doctor his record on leaks. If it's too high for your comfort level, find someone with a lower incident rate. Ultimately, you are in control.
Don't get me wrong, I'm nervous and excited. That's normal