What are you doing to prepare for surgery?
Hello all you July grads. My date is 7/8. I am so excited for all of us going on the venture! We ALL deserve it.
What are you doing to prepare for surgery, or what was your biggest challenge getting ready for this?
Personally, I have done all that the NUT has asked of me - cut out the caffeine, cut back on carbs, walk, etc. But, I'd say the biggest challenge preop for me is no drinking with meals. It is so second nature to me that I have to really make an effort not to do this. And I love milk, so it has been a challenge, but I'm working on it.
Best wishes everyone!
I'm still waiting for approval, hopefully mid July the Doctor's office says.
I've taste tested many protein powders, broths, etc. I've decided to make my own turkey broth and freeze it for when I'm ready. Those store bought kinds are too salty for me and I don't like the bouillon flavor! I bake my turkey with rosemary and sage so the broth has a nice flavor, then plop the carcass in a big pot with water and a few more spices. I'll add non-flavored whey protein powder to them before eating to boost my protein intake. My favorite protein powder is Jay Robb's Chocolate Whey Isolate. YUM I add any of several DaVinci SF syrups to it for different flavors. Mustn't get bored.
I've ordered my vitamins and have started taken them so my body's in prime condition when surgery day hits.
I've been walking like mad, I'm up to 10k steps daily now and have lost enough he won't have to worry about my liver being fatty.
I've read several books and numerous website postings.
Did I mention I'm SO ready for this? lol
How about you? What are you doing to get ready?
Be well,

I'm taking
DaVinci sublingual B-12 1000 mcg with folic acid every other day before breakfast (my doctor's office)
DaVinci Chewable Calcium 500 mg 3 times a day, not with meals (my doctor's office)
Flinstone's chewable multi (at the grocery store)
However I've ordered some liquid ones to try. The chewables taste awful to me. lol
I've ordered these from bariatriceating.com. They have several interesting things to try.
Tropical Oasis Liquid Calcium Citrate 14.99
Tropical Oasis Liquid Multi-Vitamins 19.99
Tropical Oasis Liquid B-12 14.99
These are specifically made for post WLS, but check with your doctor on dosages he/she recommends.
Above all else, have fun taste testing.
I will be banded on July 1st. It is really hard for me not to drink with meals too. It is also hard for me to get 64 oz. of water in each day. I am also worried about not getting enough protein because I don't really like protein drinks. My nut told me that there are some protein drops that aren't supposed to taste too bad that I am hoping to find at GNC.
There are also unflavored whey protein and egg white protein. I ordered them from www.jayrobb.com The egg whites were a little salty for me, but I haven't cooked with salt for years.
you can put these in jello, pudding (add milk to make it soupy at first), soup, skim milk...anything with no additional flavor.
Amt Units Prot Cal Fat SFat Carbs
Egg White Protein, unflavored, Jay Rob 1 scoop 24 115 0 0 1
Whey Protein unflavored, Jay Robb 1 scoop 26 110 0 0 0
That a nice amount of protein per scoop.
I also just received New-Whey Liquid Protein that has 43g of protein! I got that from www.bariatriceating.com. They have several flavors.
Well, now that it seems "real" I am doing a lot of research. I am on a 6 week pre-op Optifast diet. I am following it since I know I got to show myself I can control my hunger and behavior. I also began exercising this week. I follow several successful bandsters. I can see that exercise is an important factor to add into weight loss. I figure now is the time to get off my a** and get going.
I have a remind in my calendar that pops up every 2 hours that says "Each time I exercise I get closer to my goal" For me, music is key. I put together 3 CDs just for exercising. See my profile for CD1 songs if you can't think of any. Sometimes I walk circles around my back patio deck, sometimes I walk circles in my living room, sometimes I bounce on my rebounder with a bar $100 and well worth it.
I also made a rule that every time I talk on the phone, I must walk and talk. No sitting on the couch. Find what works for you and get those feet moving.
Come on feet, don't fail me now!