Recent Posts
Topic: RE: Weekly weigh in...
highest: 496
DOS : 355
this morning : 309.2
45.8 since surgery
186.8 total
gained .6 back this week because of cycle
Topic: RE: Weekly weigh in...
Hi, Heidi! You are doing GREAT!!! Oh, what's POW...brain isn't fully functional yet! Jean
Highest: 281
DOS: 253
Current: 208
45 lbs since surgery
73lbs total
Topic: RE: 3 Month Post-Op Pics
Hey, Ali! OMG! You are doing fantastic! You must be so proud of yourself! Thanks for posting your are an inspiration! Jean
Topic: Weekly weigh in...
for those that don't weigh in on Mondays.
Jump in anytime
POW: 312
DOS: 295
today: 240.5
TL: 71.5
SS: 54.5
Topic: RE: One Word Challenge!!!!!
Carla, You have the BEST questions and RULES to go with!!! Bring 'em on.... Jean