Monavie update and a little information :-)
I posted a question about monavie a few months back and thought I'd make and update about it. This post was triggered from the question posted about being low on Vitamin D.
Here are my results with the juice......
I've noticed increase hair growth and a good amount of energy since drinking it and the best sleep I've had in YEARS!!! After a month of drinking the juice I quit taking all my vitamins. The money I'm saving from buying supplements and protein powders, I'm able to pay for my MonaVie Juice AND I'm getting in 13 servings of fruits (including the Acai berry) and veggies EVERY DAY. From my success stories and the success stories from family and friends (with arthritis especially) that are drinking the juice..... IT'S AMAZING Stuff. I have NO "addictions" to the juice at all when it's time for my next dose. I am a distributor now after "trying" the juice it made a believer out of me. I started this from a pessimistic point of view.
The recommended daily dose of Monavie is 4 ounces a day (2oz in the am and 2oz in the evening). People with specific aches, pains, chronic illnesses such as Fibromyalgia are drinking more a day (4oz in the morning and evening).
If anyone has further questions, please email me! I'd love to share this juice with you!!! I have so many testimonies and clinical studies to provide if you are interested. Even a study where cancer cells were killed.
Check out these websites if you get a chance! I'm super excited about this juice, just from what it's done for me and I know it will do for you!!!
If you have made it this far...... thanks for taking the time to read all of this!

Thanks for your question. Sorry for the delay.... been super busy! I have written below exactly from the label. Let me know what further questions you have. Have a great day!!!
MonaVie is a delicious energizing blend of the Brazilian acai berry-one of nature's top superfoods-and other beneficial fruits. Developed with the philosophy of Balance-Variety-Moderation, MonaVie delivers the phytonutrients and antioxidants you need to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.
100% juice
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 fl oz (30mL)
Servings per container: 25
Amounts per serving
Calories: 30
Total Fat: 0.5g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium: 5mg
Potassium 55mg
Total Carbohydrate 5g
Dietary Fiber