Weekly wight in...
DOS: 312.8
Last Week: 235.6
Today: 230.2
Lost since last week: 5.4 pounds
Total loss since surgery: 82.6
The scale has not moved for almost a month. I thought I had broken the plateau when I dumped two weeks ago and lost 4 pounds. Then it came back and I was back at 235. On Friday I noticed the scale was moving, but was doubtful. Saturday it was lower, Sunday even lower....and this morning with my clothes on I'm at 230.
*fingers crossed* I hope my stall is over.
225 is a milestone weight for me, it's what my drivers license says I weigh. I can't wait to not be a liar anymore.

Yay for you! 5.4lbs lost! Wooooo Hooooooooooo! I really hope your stall is over too! I hear you re: driver's license wt! Everytime I have to take mine out now, I smile because I actually weight LESS than it says!!! My renewal is in June, so I'll change it then. Really, really hope you reach 225 SOON! Take care, Jean