Ah Monica, like I said to Jessica; these stalls are FRUSTRATING. But that is all they are, stalls. They will end and the lose will begin again. Don't give up! Look how much you have accomplished already? You are doing great!
If you haven't done your measurements lately, whip out that measuring tape. While we are in our stalls more than likely we are still losing inches.
Hi All my July Sisters
Sorry I've been M.I A.
Just did'nt realize how much that I've been missing because I was too ashamed of myself to get out of the house........ Now you can't keep me in! I see everyone is doing Fantastic as usual .....July Sisters rock!!!!! Can you all believe we're in our ninth month WoW time is moving Quick !!!Can you believe all the poundage we've lost.... It blows my mind......
Consult weight:255
Day of surgery weight:243
Today's weight:156....Geez one more pound
Total weight loss:99 lbs since onsult 87 lbs since surgery
I know I sound crazy but I do not want to lose alot more weight and I darn sure don't want to gain it back either
I guess the body will stop when it's ready