MonaVie ??
I was send an invitation to a Mona Vie tasting party for Tuesday. I've heard such good results as far as energy and antioxidants from drinking 4 oz a day (2 oz in the morning, 2oz in the evening).
Anyone ever tried it. I think you have to buy a whole case of it, so I wanted to find out first hand if anyone has used it or know any success stories or not so success stories with it. I'm such a sucker for a "business opportunity". I'm mentally preparing myself for the "sales" speach. If nothing else, at least I can hear the spill and get to visit with some nice friends who I haven't seen in YEARS!!!
A girl at my work sales it, swears it's a cure-all for weight, fatigue, mood, general health ect. haven't seen a change in her, her husband (who works with us too), my boss or anyone else purchasing it from her over the last few months. Only thing I see is when they're out of it they're really tired, run down and grumpy like they're coming off caffine or something.
Personally I chose to save the sales pitch and my money and invest in a massage and a new pair of jeans instead. Good luck!
I Am Stronger Than Myself

Thanks everyone for your replies!! I do think it's good for you, just as eating fruits. However, the cost is what's got me. I can't believe it's nearly $45 a bottle, so that's about $150-180 A MONTH!!! Wow, I'm sure I can eat my own fruit for a *****eaper. No, I wouldn't be getting the acai berry, but anyway. Just wanted to say thanks for replying!!! And sorry for my typos in my original message .....
If you're interested in the acai berry juice you can try the acai and pomegranite blend sold in regular grocery stores. My local Publix sells it for $7.99. It's very, very flavorful so I couldn't imagine more than just a few ounces. I like to use in it protein smoothies.
I'm just not a pyramid scheme kind of person, so that's the reason I've never tried Monavie.
Hi, just saw this post. My sister in law was selling monavie and got my mother in law, father in law and my husband and a bunch of other family members trying it. They all swore by it at first, but then decided it didn't do anything. It is very expensive and I think y ou get that placebo effect, where you think it's going to work so it does work for a while, my opinion is it's not worth the money!