The Non-Scale Weigh-In
It's been six months since we've had surgery. Most are still losing pounds on the scale while some have hit a stall (myself included).
So let's update our progess without using the scale. What are some things you can do now that you couldn't do before surgery? How has your life changed?
My non-scale success:
I can run
I cross my legs (look at my blog!)
I got rid of almost all my pre-surgery clothes.
My hips are 10 inches smaller than they were before surgery.
I walk with my head up, instead of looking down.
I'm dating again.
I hop up the stairs.
My house is cleaner - I have more energy I guess.
I sit lower in my car - I think my bootie way shrunk.
I have a hard time using up the leftovers - I wonder who was eating them all before???
I had to throw out all my underwear because they were hanging low.
I have better balance and I'm not afraid of ladders anymore.
I like taking walks as a break at work - I don't get all sweaty
I replaced my underwear too!! They were hanging like boxers!!! I might have to replace my bras too since I've lost so many inches around my chest.
Yes, I had to re-adjust my seat in my car. It seems roomier in there now. I can also reach the floor when I drop something without having to open the door to bend over.
I have lost a total of 50.25 inches from neck, breast, upper arms, waist, hips, upper thighs and calves! I too have gotten new undies and bras. I actually have gone from a tight size 26 to a very loose size 20...probably only another 5 pounds before I need to go and buy some new 18s!
I can cross my legs too. Exercise hard for 60 minutes and not have to collapse afterwards. I don't even think about food, it has become more of a chore...kind of like brushing my teeth..."I have to eat" versus "what can I eat and how much!?"
I sleep better, I can play with my kids and really enjoy it, I can dance to several songs in a row, I can strip and make a bed with out wanting to lie down in it afterwards (just found this out this morning when changing my sheets
Sex is better!
I went sledding this winter and trudged up the hill with sled in tow and never even thought to complain! I love to shop for clothes now and don't need a catalog and phone to do it!
Gosh there is sooooo much!
Thanks for this fun way to weigh in!

oh this is gonna be fun ---great Idea! Im feeling a little down since Im in a stall right now---so, ok lets see...
****I CAN CROSS MY LEGGS!!! YAAAAYYY! that was a big one for me
*****I can run and play with my little brother and sister without my chest going into flames and passing out lol!
****Im down to a size 13 which I havent been since I was AGE 13
*****I can feel my hip bones!
*****Im shopping in the regular size clothes section!!
****My double chin is JUST about gone
ok I am loving this!
I am in a size 22 down from a 36 some 38s
I can run up 4 flights of stairs!!
I can wear heals and boots
I can cross my legs, sit indian style and tie my shoes without having to put my leg on a chair!
I can fly without a seatbelt extender AND put the tray table down!
I can get up and down off the floor
Men hold doors, look my in the eye and flirt like mad with me
I can run short distances