UPDATE...almost 6 months
Sorry all that I haven't been on lately.
Since working 2 jobs, I don't have internet at home. No reason to pay for it if I'm not using it.
I hope everyone had a great holiday! Mine was pretty good. Thinner and good.
I love shopping for new clothes. Haven't bought much, but I have bought a few new things. The Salvation Army has great clothes at a great price. I'm not ashamed to get my clothes from there. I look nice at a nice price.
I love working out. Though I did slack off during the holidays. Too many parties to go to or people to see. I have gotten back into it hard core since the first of the year.
Nothing new to tell. I'm down 98 pounds. Here is a current picture of me.
Take care all and I will be in touch.
374/276/175 (highest/current/goal)
RNY 7/17/07 Dr. Lane
Hi, Laura! Good to hear from you and thanks for the holiday wishes. Same back to you!! Laura, you are doing great! 98lbs...fantastic! You have nearly earned your Century Card!!! BTW, I just checked out your pics and wanted to ask...what is on your head in the pic of you at work???? Is it what I think it is!!!
Take care, Jean

Yes, that is what you think it is. I thought I blocked that one from being viewed...sorry.
My friend and I were at a novelty store and I found it on a tiara. She said it reminds her of the Arby's commercials. I just told her that I was thinking of all the guys in my life...nothing but D**kheads. LOL!!! We were being stupid that day...all in fun.