A bit scared

on 9/20/07 10:50 am
Hi all. I had my month appt with my NUT today. I'm WAY below on the protein, only getting about 30 gms/day. I started out at 240 lbs and today I was at 205. That's after 8 wks! I'm embarrased to say that, "only 35 lbs". I know it's good but it's not where I had hoped I'd be once I was two mo's out. Nut feels this is good considering my starting weight wasn't higher and the fact that I'm low on protein but she did say something that really hit me. She said, I've got about 4 good months to get the weight off, which means I"ve got 2 left, then it'll continue but more slowly. I've read that same thing I don't know HOW many times but for some reason, when she was sitting across the table, telling ME "i've got 4 mo's" it clicked. I promised to drink 2 protein drinks every day till I see her next wk and continue with the 500 cal's I'm eating daily. I also exercise daily, not a lot but enough to burn up the majoirty of those 500 food cals. I'm up to 3 miles on the eliptical, that's all I can do now. I dont' know why I felt like posting this except maybe someone else at about the point I'm at will see this and it'll help them.
on 9/20/07 12:33 pm - Edgar, WI
You are considered a lightweight so I think 35 lbs is wonderful! It sounds like you are attempting to do the right things, just need to up the protein. Your exersize sounds great too...I just started exersizing and I have 3 days in this week. My only question would be the amount of calories you are eating. Is 500 per your nut? My nut is tellilng me 600-900 per day and I usually average between 750-850. 600 is rare and 900 is too. The calories just sound really low and I know there are other Julyer's eating more....just food for thought...pardon the pun....
Leslie S.
on 9/20/07 12:48 pm
I am right ahead of you. My surgery was on July 18th. I do not have a NUT. My doctor has never said anything about one. Nor am I required to take in a certain amount of protein, water or calories everyday. They said that I need to take in as much water as my body can handle. As for the protein, they've never really said much about how much I should take in. I barely get protein. I don't drink protein shakes or anything. I don't even know if I take in 500 calories a day most days. I am just now getting off of liquidy foods. Well, for a couple of weeks I've been off of them. I can now have tuna fish. That's all the 'meat'. I can have chicken at 3 months out and then the next meat will be beef at 9 months out. My doctor really wants our pouches to heal before we start putting lots of stuff in it. I weighed on Tuesday for my two month post-op weigh-in and I was down 44 pounds. I was doing good with my exercise, but the past couple of weeks I haven't exercised once. I have been so busy and also sick. I need to get over this sickness so I can get back to the gym. Anyway, good luck with everything. I hope all goes well with you!!!
on 9/21/07 3:09 am - Fort Leavenworth, KS
Our bodies NEED protein. I am floored your surgeon hasn't stressed this. Our bodies don't make protein, like it can make sugars and fat. If you don't eat enough protein your body will burn what protein it has, i.e. your muscles whi*****ludes your heart! You want your body burning fat, so eating enough protein (most surgeon's say 60g per day) your body will burn the fat instead of your muscle. Here is a post (a couple week old, but still good) http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/rny/action,replies/board_id,5465/cat_id,5065/topic_id,33 82805/a,messageboard/ of reasons to make sure you get your protein in. Protein isn't just in meat, it is in cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, there are many more foods that contain protein just do a google. Protein (besides water and vitamins) should always be the first thing that goes in your mouth at a meal. ;o) Talk to your surgeon again about this, it really shouldn't be taken lightly. ((HUGS))
Leslie S.
on 9/21/07 11:12 pm
I guess just because I'm not using protein supplements doesn't mean that I'm not getting protein. I eat cheese, egg whites, peanut butter, etc. I started looking at the things that I eat and the amount of protein in them, so I am probably getting a decent amount. I guess that's why my surgeon has me eating stuff like that!
on 9/22/07 7:18 am - Fort Leavenworth, KS
Stephanie, (hugs) Being malnurished from lack of protein can be a dangerous thing. But I'm glad to hear your surgeon has you on a good protein diet! I didn't want to come across as a , but there are some surgeons out there that do the surgery with no followup care at all. I just wanted to make sure you, or anyone else reading this thread that is in that boat understands how important protein will be for the rest of our lives. We have this surgery to gain our health back. That was my concern, to help others from not getting sicker. Good luck on the rest of your WLS journey!! Andi
H A.
on 9/20/07 1:52 pm - NOR CAL, CA
I've never heard that 4 month then the weight loss slows down. I heard after 6 it starts to slow down. I think you hit a stall just like I did. Then I lost like 7 lbs in a week. Keep exercising and tracking cals and protein. And you'll start loosing again. Don't let her freak you out. Heidi
on 9/20/07 5:27 pm - DIberville, MS
I think you are doing AWESOME!!! I am almost 2 months out and I have only lost 38.5 (as of today) I have alot more to loose than you so I think it comes off a bit easier (not that any of this has been easy) or quicker. Work on that protein (I have to work on that too). HUGS
on 9/21/07 3:18 am - Fort Leavenworth, KS
I was told 6 months as well. So maybe that is why she said you have 4 mths because you are already 2 mths out? I'm not sure how much excess weight you want to lose, but because you are a light weight, don't go by lbs. Because comparing your lbs lost at 2 months to a person who needed to lose 200+ lbs at their 2 months isn't accurate or fair to you. Instead figure out the percentage lost of your excess weight. You'll see you and the non-light weights are around the same % lost. Great Job!! 35 lbs is Awesome!!! Andi
on 9/21/07 3:49 am
Thanks for all your responses, they really do help. So often I read posts but rarely write. It's great to know each of you are out there and that when we have a tough time many send words of encouragment or offer things that put the situation in perspective. Again thanks, amy
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