Wet marshy land does't sound like too much fun to me either - sounds like a good excuse. But it's a shame to miss using this time - it might be the only time you have available. What about the parking lot? I teach at a middle school...the parking lot isn't huge, it would take a lot of laps but it would get you moving.??? Good luck!!

Personally just walking around the neighborhood is sooooo boring If I had to do that everyday I would NOT exercise...just being totally honest So I joined L.A.Fitness my son and his girlfriend joined too(neither one has a weight problem just wanted to define what they have already)I think the variety of exercise keeps it interesting ...the fact that I'm paying for this every month(keeps me motivated) and I actually feel great during and after my routine. and third seeing the weight come off and getting toned at the same time is very inspiring.It's the initial start that's hard...once you get started (meaning whatever you decide what kind of exercise you want to do and getting in the swing of things all the rest is easy...i was intimidated by all the small tight bodies in the gym afraid I'll be the only FAT one there worried about my appearance...all the insecurities come to light but then you have to say YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS A BRAND NEW ME SCREW EM I AM GONNA GET MYSELF TO WHERE I WANT IT TO BE BECAUSE IT"S ALL ABOUT ME I had this surgery because i wanted to change...then you go to the gym... you realize what the hell was I thinking? So what if I'm the biggest one there and after awhile you don't care because YOU know what you want and what you want to accomplish! .......I go about 4 times a week I increase my weights every week ....I increase my incline and speed on the treadmill(while listening to my ipod)every week too! I swim and this week I'm trying yoga...Good Luck!!

I took an additional part time job in between my full time split shift job. The job? Campus security at one of our high schools. I'm now paid to walk for 2 hours every morning. What better motivation than the all mighty dollar? If I gotta do it, I might as well make a profit off it right? I'm getting in around 5 1/2 miles a day now! WOO-HOO ME!!!!
I Am Stronger Than Myself