I haven't actually started yet. I walk A LOT at work - 8000+ steps and I was thinking of joining Curves because there is one on the way home from work. BUT there is a 24 Hr. Fitness opening up soon very close to home also.....Staying motivated is a HUGE problem. I have a recumbent bike and some had weights that are just sitting in my bedroom.

I walk around my neighborhood and push my little boy in the stroller. I have a great neighborhood with hills and stuff to make the walk a little more challenging.
I also go to the gym. I have an Ipod that I listen to while I am at the gym. I'm too scared to listen to it while I walk because I might not be able to hear the traffic. I am now going to start weight lifting. I have only been doing cardio, but now it's time to start the weight lifting and build the lean body mass that will raise my metabolism!!!
I hope that helps!
Good Luck!

I guess I was a little tired last night because when I was reading this post this morning I saw that I left out some words.
I meant that I am too scared to walk outside and listen to my Ipod because I might not hear the traffic.
I'm sure you all knew what I was talking about. Why would I be worried about not hearing the traffic on the treadmill? Haha!

Ok, this is an area that I need some feedback on.....am I being lazy or what? I start my day at 6 am, kids to school, me to work and so on. I get off work at 5 or so usually and then it is football practice, cheerleading practice and games until 8 pm, then it is home to fix dinner and homework and kids to bed...my question is when do I exercise? I am so tired in the mornings I don't think I can get up any sooner, and by 9:30 when I get the kids down and dishes cleaned up I am just ready to crash. This is every day but sunday and the games are most all day on sat. I only have another month of this schedule and then we will be able to have a more normal life with normal dinner times and time for me.
I want to be able to exercise, my body is actually craving it.
I am not able to drop off my kids and then go to the gym while they are at practice, a parent is required to be at practice (youth football rule) and I help with my daughters cheer squad when I am able.
Ugggg, this is frustrating, I am stalled and I know that exercise will help that but I just haven't been able to figure it all out. I also have a blood draw this week to check nutrition levels...I think I am more tired than I should be even though my PCP says my schedule makes her tired.
Any advice is so appericated!
They don't practice at the actual football field, it is a big open playground behind the middle school, and I have walked it a few times, but the problem is it is so marsh like in the area I have to walk. The kids practice where it is firm and dry but to stay away from them I have to walk the fence line....I guess since I have already ruined a pair of shoes I should just use them and keep trudging....I think maybe the lack of a track is maybe me making excuses...thanks for the imput~