Surgery date July 26
Hi Colleen,
I am right there with you with the LD. I have surgery on the 26th as well. Friday night I finally told my husband he needed to come inside and finish supper for the kids I really wanted food!!!!!!
But just think we are almost there...only 4 more days to go! I can't believe the time is here already.
Good Luck to you on Thursday. Wish you an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery.
Take care,

Hi Amy! We can be surgery day buddies! Mine is at 8:30 am central time, I'm in Oklahoma. I may be able to come home that night, but I think I'll stay overnight so I can rest better without the kids interuptions & such. Good luck to you too!! I am so excited, and just know things will all work out. I can't wait to start posting about how much I'm losing! I wanna be a LOOO HOOOO Zer.

Hi Colleen...
I have been on the LD for 2 weeks, my lap band is on Tues the 24th. Tomorrow Monday I get to have clear liquids and the citrate of magnesim and to sit in the bathroom all day!!!!!!!!!!
But I made it, and you will too.
I just kept telling myself it was not forever, that I could do this, and I DID NOT cook much at all.
Luckily I do not have little kids at home, and I told hubby to fend for himself till I got through this 2 week period. He was supportive and good about it.
So do what ever you have to to get through cause we are all right at the end of a long wait...
CONGRATS!!! on making it this far! Woooooo Hoooooo! I know what you mean, my DH had to cook for himself, mostly, too! The hardest for me
was watching him eat a big bowl of fresh frui****ermelon, cantaloupe, grapes, strawberries! YUM! Oh, turn is coming. My surgeon is really strict! I am 13 days post op and I have to stay on clear liquids (except for my 2 Boosts/day) for a full month after.
It's been hard but I am really starting to feel a kinda of power over what I eat. I dunno!
Anyway, your banding is coming up fast...during your LD, remember to focus on why you are doing this! That helped me a lot! Take care, Jean