hungry already!
thanks for the advice. I am on the liquid diet for two weeks so I have until Wed. It is so hard! I guess this would all be a piece of cake...boy was I wrong. I want to eat food that I ordinarily wouldn't like. I am gald I have this new tool but I am going a little bonkers...kind of getting discouraged!
Trust me I know the feeling I was going bonkers too I wanted to chew something so bad I bought some red seedless grapes and chewed the juice out of them they were so good i went through the whole bag(small bag) didnt eat them just spit the skins out and remember the juice is clear
just a suggestion

Deb, someone in my support group suggested crunching on ice cubes to satiate that feeling of wanting to chew... i tried it and i have to say, it satisfies me somehow... i sprinkled a little crystal light powder on the ice cubes to give them a little flavor and it was a nice snack-type thing... also, if i'm really feeling like i want something (my head hunger is outrageous right now) i go for a sugar free popsicle, a sugar free creamsicle or some vegetable boullion (the knorr brand is my favorite)... all 3 things satisfy me and get me off of being focused on wanting real food... although i am still counting the days until i get REAL food... lol
Hi, Deb! CONGRATS! on having your surgery!!! I'm 13 days post surgery and feel pretty hungry when I smell or see some food that I particularly enjoy...cheesy nachos, hot, buttered pop corn!!! I believe that is "head hunger" for me. I do feel quite full after having one of my protein drinks or a bottle of water. However, I really look forward to having my Viactiv (calcium suppl) to CHEW and taste!!!!
I don't think anything is wrong...for heaven's sake...when did we eat REAL food last?????
Take care and keep in touch, Jean

Hi Again,
I honestly don't know if it is head hunger. Last night one of my kids woke me up and I tried to go back to sleep for an hour but I was so hungry. I wasn't thinking about food, I could feel the hunger in my body. I got up, drank 1/2 cup of milk, didn't help. then I ate 1/4 cup of pudding with protien powder, ate about half of that, still not satisfied. Then I drank 12 oz of hot tea. After an hour of all this I finally felt fine. What is up with that? Does head hunger feel like actual hunger? I am beginning to wonder if I acutally know the difference.
Thanks for the advice, everyone, it helps.