Surgery yesterday, home already :-)
Even I didn't really think I'd be home THAT quickly, but I actually have been feeling great, so there was really no reason to keep me! I reported to the hospital at 7 a.m. yesterday, went into surgery around 9:30 (not that I remember anything after they gave me the Versed) and went to recovery just before noon. They released me before noon 24 hours later because I've been doing so well! The only pain I have had is gas pain, and that is helped a lot by walking, so I've only had two dosages of pain medication since the surgery, one at the hospital last night and one this afternoon when I first got home.
I can only attribute it to all the prayers, good thoughts, and support being sent my way by everyone. THANK YOU! I really feel good, and I'm grateful to be doing this well this quickly.
The only thing that has surprised me so far is that food still looks good, even if my stomach is saying, "Whoa, girlfriend, don't even think about i!!!" We went to the store late this afternoon to buy some more water bottles and popsicles for me, and I have to say, I saw some things I know I won't be eating soon if ever again and I still thought "yum." Hopefully as I retrain myself in how to eat, that won't become a problem.
Still thinking about everyone on the board, both those that have gone before me and are yet to come! I hope everyone is doing well.

Hi, Jacqi! and, CONGRATS! on having your surgery!!! And, you're home and feeling good...wonderful!
I stayed until 7pm the next day due to some oxygen probs but it was no big deal. I know what you mean about wanting food...I think it is "head hunger" for me, 'cuz my cravings were for my favorites, e.g. cheesy nachos, hot buttered popcorn, etc. My surg is very strict and I have to be on a clear liquid diet for 4 weeks post op (except for protein drinks). The thing is, I am already feeling so much more in control of what I eat. Hope you find that too. Take care and remember to sip, sip, sip and walk, walk, walk! Jean