surgery in 2 more days ~ nerves setting in
i think this is the 1st time i am actually feeling a little nervous. Maybe i am up to late and need to get my buttttt (notice all the t's for the size of my butt!!!) to bed. I am working both days this weekend to try not to focus and worry about monday morning. Don't even know why i'm worried, actually yea i do, cuz i have never had anesthia or a surgery before so im a big baby!! i know i'll do fine, i still just sometimes think what if i never wake from it! Ohk shush shush little baby, dont say any more words....good night to all and thanks for all your kind words and encouragement
This is a reply to both of you. I have to say the worst part of the hospital was driving there. I told my husband it was like walking down death row. I was worried for my family and maybe the pain I would be in.
But that was the worst part. I signed in put on my robe and just followed them into the operating room. The next thing I knew I was waking up and alive!
I did feel a little pain but the morphine button was good. There will be one side and one incision that will hurt the worst. But it is barable. I think on a level of 1-10 it was like a 4 or 5 for me. I could control it.
This last week I have been tired and there has been some pain but I stopped taking pain meds on Tuesday. This weeks pain level was about 2. The worst part is trying to get comfortable to rest. Everyday I feel better and better.
Don't let negative thoughts fill your head now. You will do great!
Good luck, Alison!!! I think it's completely normal to be nervous, especially if you haven't been "under the knife" before! Don't cha just love how I put that??
No, you are going to be fine and in your room before you know it! I love that about surgery!!! Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing when you can. I'm thinking of you and sending a prayer for both you and your surgeon!
Take care, Jean