2 weeks post op and down
Hi Renee,
My surgery is later this week, but what you described is common based on what other post-ops have shared with me. My surgery angel described it as learning a new relationship with food. In the past she ran to food for comfort and to medicate herself from feeling sadness, stress, etc...
After surgery that ability to medicate with food is taken away. You are then forced to deal with life head on, without food to comfort you. It can be a scary thing, but also an empowering thing if you can overcome it and learn to deal with life with a new strategy.
You can make it through this, and afterwards you will be a stronger woman for it.
Hi Renee,
I just had surgery on the 12th and just woke up from a nap dreaming about food. I think this is just a part of it. I know I can't eat now an this will give me time to understand this food addiction I have. We can do it! What makes the 10 extra bits any better than the first bite we have. Chew slow and enjoy that bite of healthy nutrition. There will be plenty of good things we can have. If we are still hungry after that we know that it is more emotional the real hunger. Find other soul soothing hobbies to take our mind of things.
We will learn and we will do it together!
I so miss the textures and the aromas of food. Even though I haven't technically really felt hungry till today, my6 day post op.I get bored to , like I want to fold more clothes. What's worse is that I was the main cook, my husband cooks for the kids now-he's getting better.That's good and bad. Then the real temptation, leftovers left abandoned on the kitchen table. It's everything I have to turn that away and have more cow , or chicken juice-grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I go in for my one week follow up tomorrow. I think my insides are twisted or I might have a hernia??? Better to find out now than later.
So yes I too join Renee(my middle name)when I proclaim I miss food. I've never actively looked for something else to fill that void.I do have some therapy and internal work to do.
Pray for me.( I almost signed this in with Love) anyways .kristin
I miss it because cottage cheese IS NOT MY FRIEND no matter how you dress it up The liquid phase clear and full is TOTALLY BORING how much puddings and pops can a human eat it's natural to want food....real food I actually daydream of my first REAL meal no clear no full no pureed REAL FOOD I totally understand Renee I truly do.....The other day I had Pea soup o.k I was excited it wasnt chicken (the norm) and trust me i was loving it when I was eating eat UNTIL........wait let me back track my daughter was making cheeseburgers at the same time (little Heifer) I tried to ignore the smell and concentrate on the pea soup and I did well or so i thought I went through PEA SOUP HELL....I don't ever want to see yet eat another can of that ...s%^t If that was dumping OMG it was horrible nausea diarhea (OK TMI) All I can say is .......GIMME SOME REAL GRUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you guys for responding!! A little support and a lot of laughter goes a long way. I too had a "dumping" experience after deciding 3 cups of hot chocolate was a good idea. NOT!!
I had my 2 week check up today, and I've lost 13 lbs since surgery!! Also, I found out that eating ripe fruit like nectarines is NOT considered soft food yet - still puree that stuff! Oh well, the two I had this morning don't seem to be doing damage and they tasted GREAT.
Tonight I get a little salmon and tomorrow some mashed sweet potato, so I'm feeling a little better. I still have to keep up with the protein though, and that is tough. It's like I never want to see powdered protein or soup ever again!
But 13 lbs went a long way to making me feel better about my journey. The emotional work scares me though. Thanks for being there ladies!!

I will be one week out tomorrow and I too am really missing food. And have you guys noticed how many dang food commercials there are on T.V.??????? I just want to throw something at the screen for crying out loud. I took my son to a local stock car race Saturday night and, my goodness, the people walking by with their funnel cakes, corn dogs, popcorn, BBQ sandwiches, and ice cream cones made me want to punch their lights out!!! One guy sitting across from us was eating the most delicious piece of fried chicken I think I have ever seen!!!! It was so hard. But I just whipped out my protein shake and sipped, sipped, sipped. I knew this was going to be hard and I think it's o.k. for us to mourn food from time to time and feel sorry for ourselves because we can't have what everyone else is eating. But I know why I did this surgery and I am determined to succeed. So bring on all the t.v. commercials, good race track foods, and pizza deliveries (I have a 14 y.o. ~ seems like that's all that boy ever wants to eat!) ~~ I can handle it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on the 13 lbs. That's awesome!!!
thank you Donna! I'm just up and down emotionally - and all over the place. Was in a fine mood earlier today, now I'm really really not. Blew off a family celebration because I couldn't deal with eating a piece of salmon the size of my thumb, or whatever size it's supposed to be. Instead I'm home, alone, sad, pissed off, and not eating anything. Which is fine 'cause I'm not hungry but I SHOULD make myself a protein shake at least. Ugh.
I'm sad. Really sad. Like I lost the best boyfriend ever. HA. Which I kinda did I guess.

"And have you guys noticed how many dang food commercials there are on T.V.???????" NO KIDDING! During the LD prior to surgery it was driving me NUTS! I can't believe how many there are.
Yes, I agree with you, Donna - this is something that we will all have to go through together.
Renee - keep your chin up - I too, miss food and could really go for a really good burger right now, but know that I will have to wait for that. In due time....just enjoy the foods that we can eat now and know that this will be a small inconvenience in our journey to a thinner and healther us!
Yeah PROTEIN drinks (
- notice the sarcasm in that statement!)