I'm home ya all
I had surgery on the 12th. The hardest part was walking into the hospital. I was so scared for my family if something when wrong.
I did great. Today drank my water. Went pee and they sent me home.
I won't say a piece of cake my stomach hurts like I did a million sit ups. I have to be careful not to do too much. No gas pain. The drain hurt the worst today.
But nothing I can't deal with.
So all you that are next don't worry you'll do great!
HA, super glad you are home and recouping. It's so true , that the more you use this time to recoup the quicker the recovery. I struggle for a drama free evironment here, with 3 girls.
So what type of surgery did you have? Morphine drip? I didn't even notice that after a while.
What all types of surgery (WLS) do they use a drain?
Anyways did you even stay the night? they called mine an out -patient , but it's mandatory to have patients stay 1 night.
Hope I am not overwhelming you with all these questions.I am just not feeling soooo much pain.
But last night I was wailing from sharp pains on my mid far right gut-god it hurt. It lasted about 3 minutes.
Some advice my husband said was use your legs for strength and leverage when you can. No more straining myself.I have little people and hubby to help.
well hope this has been good reading for you , kristin
Ha, drama free with three girls? Good luck and tell me how you do it
RNY lap
Morphine but could feel a little sick from it but not bad.
Now on Hydrocodone
Had surgery about 7:00 am 7/12/ when home 7/13 about 6 pm. I could have went home about 3 or 4 but waited around for pharmacy etc. They were not in a rush.
Not much pain except getting up and out of a sitting position. I'm up and moving cause sitting makes the rest of my body sore.
I have pain where the drain was. It gets better with walk and moving. Coughing sucks.