Date twins 7/12....are you poopin?
I thought I'd be glued to the potty, but I've only made a few quick trips, mostly a few minutes after I drink a lot of "clear liquids".
What are you packing for the hospital? What are your emotions now? Nervous? Scared? Excited?
I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to shower, but I'm taking a few things just incase. Chapstick is packed. I'm packing some pj pants to wear while I'm walking. I guess I'll wear home whatever I wear to the hospital. I'm not nervous at all, just ready to transform the image I see in the mirror! Excited more than anything!
Also, write down a list of phone #'s for your family to call. People will want to know how you're doing.
Good Luck and make sure you come back to fill us all in! Hugs, Jessica