Three days...just three more days...
Today was my pre-surgical testing. One of the women doing my testing said I didn't look like I would even qualify for the surgery. *sigh* I assured her that even after losing the 26 lbs. I've lost since early March, I still qualify. My BMI was 45.7 in's down to 41 now.
Today was the first day I had some butterflies thinking about the procedure. I'm excited...but also very apprehensive. I don't really know why...I know the procedure will go just fine. I don't like being out of control and leaving things up to other people to get experience has shown me that other people often let me down. And yet I know that I have to rely on others to take care of my son...I think that's probably making me more nuts than anything else.
Just take a deep breath, I had my surgery on Tuesday and the worst part of the surgery was my nervous leading up to it. And you will be suprised. I thought it would be hard to let my husband run the house and family, but they are doing a really great job and that take the stress off and allows me to rest and walk and heal faster...I know you both will do GREAT...
Best of Luck...
Hi, Amy! Some people just don't get it!
Glad your pre-op exam went well, otherwise! Good job on loosing your 26lbs, too! I know what you mean about not being in control, I think we all have that to some extent. I'm trying to keep positive and believe the benefits far surpass any risk. Take care and good luck! Jean