Had surgery on July 3rd and I'm home
Just had surgery Tuesday and I'm looking at all the medicine that my doctor prescribed last week. Does anyone have the big iron tablets? Are we supposed to chew those big billies or what? The other capsules I have are not supposed to be taken until 2 weeks after. I can't remember if its okay to chew these or not?
Hi CB!
I had surgery on the 3rd as well and just came home today. I cannot start any vitamins until 2 weeks out. And I don't have to take an iron pill- just MVT, B Complex, sublingual B12, and cacium/vit D. All of mine will be crushed, or sprinkled, or sublingual- nothing whole. But check with your doctor to see what he wants you to do. They are all different.
My surgery went well- no complications. But the gas after the lap is very painful. My bowels didn't start moving until this morning so I'm just starting to get rid of it. Thats the worst part. I have no interest in eating the jello and broth at this point and I'm only able to eat about a tablespoon total. Trying to keep sipping on my water. I'm very thirsty so sometimes I forget that I can't gulp it down and that causes pain. Steady as she goes!
thanks Everybody! I'll definitely ask tomorrow to make sure --
The power of support == all of us rushing to get to the boards right after surgery -
I pray that all of us will continue to do well.
I, too have no interest in the broth or jello. I'm drinking Profect and water (mixed sometimes because the Profect seems so sweet to me).
A little uncomfortable, and now getty gassy, but definitely am happy I did it. I didn't get comfortable enought to sleep last night until about 4:00 this morning, but I just kept thinking about all the other posts to this board and knowing that it will get better, I just kept encouraging myself and thanking God that I made it through surgery in relatively good health. So everybody be encouraged as we ride out the next two weeks!!
Hi guys
I had surgery on the third too, I agree call your doctor with any questions. I am only supposed to take the meds he gave me with the exception of Tylenol (crushed) for the first week. I know what you mean about eating I too am not finding the liquids that exciting and I'm really not hungry, although I did have 1/2 cup of strained mushroom soup last night and it tasted wonderful. I have had to take some laxative as that too is a problem for me, hopefully today will be the BIG day! I have be walking a lot but I put my back out so it is quite painful. I have had the gas too, my doctor recommended GasX, I found the kind that disolves on your tongue and it has really helped so that may be something that will help you. Keep being positive, just think in a couple of weeks this will just be a memory!
So glad to see that you didn't have any complications. I am still trying to get thru the LD and haven't looked at what I'm supposed to do, i.e., vitamins, diet, etc., after surgery!!! I think the others gave you good advice to check with your doc. Remember to walk, walk, walk! I hear that helps the gas a lot. Take care and keep us posted. Jean

I had sugery on the 3rd and my doctor did not mention anything about vitamins yet.. I will see him in a week so maybe he will discuss that then. Right now I am taking Pepcid, liquid Vicodin and carafate. All are liquids and he said I could use liquid Tylenol if needed as well.
Are you having much trouble with your drain tube site leaking?
Thanks everybody. I found out that I'm supposed to be taking my chewable multivitamin and Prevacid solutab (ugh! ) I'm not having any drainage problems, but like you, am still very uncomfortable at times and am beginning not to like the Protect, started mixing that with water and still the aftertaste from that and tea is making me drink more plain water. Tried a couple different broths of wonton soup from different restaurants and finally found a chinese restaurant's that I like. The drained mushroom soup sounds good. I'll get some of that and some sugar-free popsicles (as recommended by my local support group). On another note, I wasn't expecting to retain fluid from the IV (is anyone having that problem?). It may be because my pulse was so low for a couple of days (they think due to the morphine) and I wonder if they were giving me extra fluids to pump up the pressure (they did that to my mom when she had surgery and had a low pulse). My husband gave me a few sips of watermelon juice and seemed to clean things right out -- if you try it, just take a sip at a time to see how its sitting with you, might help with constipation)
How's it going now that you're 4 days out (is that all? seems like forever)??