pcp ok'd me for surg!!!
Hi, all you beautiful Julyers!!! This post is kinda long, sorry! I had my pre-op exam on Friday and was OK'd for surg by my pcp.
Some of you may remember that I was scheduled for 5/29th but at my first pre-op exam my doc wanted to run some more tests before he would Ok me. He had already talked to my surgeon and cancelled it when I came in that day!
My test sorta turned out OK. I have to follow up AFTER surg with a gyn. During the appt. I was so scared that he would say I had to see the gyn before surg. I'm scared because the ultrasound he ordered found a build up in the lining of my uterus and bleeding during the pap. That is not good for post menopausal women. He had me take a hormone for ten days and that was supposed to shed the buildup. I didn't have any shedding but I lied and told him that I did. I figure things can't change much if I wait a few weeks to see the gyn. I just couldn't deal with having my WLS delayed again. This has been nearly a 2 year process for me already! Doc said I'll probably have to have a D&C, no cancer cells were found from the biopsy, thank God. Anyway, wanted to vent and share that my surgery is ON!!!! Jean

Congratualtions on your surgery being back on.
I probably would have told the doc the same thing about shedding the lining... LOL
That gyn problem isnt going to affect the outcome of surgery, and as long as you get it all checked out after the fact you should be fine (this is my non-medical opinion)