Whose first in line?
Yay! I'm so excited for you
I am on the 5th at 930 est. I too am on a horrible pre op diet.... liquids for 10 days all clear but..... ooh ooh...... I know, the suspense is killing you, .... I can have slimfast low carb. I am sooooooo hungry! I drink all day and have my slimfasts and broth etc.... just actually hungry... not head hunger.... big tummy growls. I scared my dog last night. ( she was asleep on my tummy and woke up startled at the sounds of my empty tummy). I think that even as bad as the pre op diet is, it must be the worst part and has a good effect. I mean, I am going to be so grateful to have a creamed soup! By the time I can have real food again I am going to be sooooo happy to just have a piece of plain chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus the carbs will be out of our systems too. Still it totally blows!!!!!!! Anyway, best of luck!!!!!

My date is July 2 @12.30pm.
So many emotions.. I'm excited of course.... but now I'm getting nervous (keep asking myself if I am doing the right thing?) ..... and yesterday I was depressed (no more eating the things I love like bread, pasta, potatoes)... I know I need to do this... I know I want to do this.... but I also know things will drastically change and unlike a diet, once this is done, it can never be undone..
Soooo.. that is where I'm at. I wish everyone the best of luck this month....
Hi, Jackie! Just wanted to say good luck and that I will say a prayer for you and your surgeon tonight! I know it's scarey and it's normal to question our decision but those are just nerves. This is not a snap decision..We made it knowing that it is the right thing to do so we can live a long and healthy life (lookin' good, too!). Take care, Jean