11 more days to freak out.
My surgery is on July 9th and the closer it gets, the faster time seems to go. I started my 2 week Liver Shrinking Diet on Monday and its been very hard. I have a hard time choking down protein shakes and feel sick most of the day. I'm not withdrawing from anything, I've been on a diet for the past year. I dont drink coffee or soda, ever. At night I get to eat some solids (yay!) but I'm now having a hard time with them as well. I dont need advice, I just wanted to vent. I'm not enjoying this one bit but I know its a means to an end. Tonight I couldnt even look at any one of the allowed vegetables so instead I doubled my meat (from 4 to 8 oz). My stomach seems better and I bet I'll be full longer.
I dont think about the actual surgery anymore, not like I used to. Then I'll be shopping or watching tv and BOOM!, I'll remember and get all sweaty and nervous. I know it will seem like tomorrow when I'm sitting in my gown, getting my damn central line in. Kinda makes me crazy and anxious. Anyway, that's it. I'm done.
You are too funny!! I read your blog and it made me smile--
I share the same surgery date with you and I too am freaking out and the most unusual moments. I have been copying recipes and making a list of high protein foods that I can eat, so my hair doesn't fall out!! I live in South Texas and have a wonderful doctor who is doing my surgery. He did one of my best friends last May and my sister a week and a half ago. My sister doesn't live in my same town, so she traveled here to have her surgery.
Today, while at Target getting stuff for two sons to take to camp--I had one of those sweaty moments with a vision of me walking up and down the hall at the hospital in one of those gowns with my big #*& showing. I quickly ran and ransacked through the big robes and found one. One less fear now--
My husband and I have three kids, two boys and a little girl--ages 10, 8 and 17 months old. The last (17 month old) has only been with us for 8 months. We traveled to Russia this past October--twice--(talk about a nightmare and culture shock) and Princess Tess touched down on US soil on Nov 2. So, I am sooooooo looking forward to the day I can keep up with her. It is amazing how quickly you forget how active a toddler is. My boys were busy guys, but this little angel is like an engergizer bunny!! We love her so though. My doctor told me to just do the liquid diet the day before surgery--but I think I am going to actually do it for a week. I start next Monday. Both my boys will be at camp and it will be easier on me, especially during the day.
Keep in touch--we can compare hospital stays and everything else.