July 12th for me guys
CONGRATS, HA!!!! Isn't it exciting? I felt the same way when I got my call My date is on the 10th and I can't wait! I've been trying to keep my mind of surgery but it's sooooooo hard! I started my 2 wk liquid diet yesterday and am focusing on one day at a time! Do you have to do one too? Good luck to you and keep us posted! Take care, Jean
Check with your surgeon, cuz it seems that many of them have different guidelines for the LD. I can have 3 protein drinks per day, SF popsicles, SF jello, Crystal lite and other SF liquids and broth. I am using Slim Fast with protein (the cappachino is good). I am just trying not to think about food (HARD) and keep busy. No probs with concentration or energy yet. Take care, Jean