Good morning, Fellow Julyers!
Don't cha just hate people who are bright and bubbly in the morning and Monday mornings at that! lol It's seems weird to me that different doctors have different requirements pre-surgery. What's that all about
???? My doc has me on a 14 day liquid diet pre-surg (starts 6/26) and I've read where some only ask for a day or a weekend. Then, again, some docs say loose a certain amount of weight first! Talk about confusing. Of course, I think we should follow our own doc's recommendations, but still...... I've actually been thinking about starting the LD early to get a jumpstart on my weight loss! Am I Crazy? I just can't wait for the surg to be over and to start my second life as a thin person!!! Take care, Jean

Hey Jean! I agree - the difference is maddening.
My doc requires no liquid diet at all before the surgery, but I've heard enough about bad post-op constipation problems that I will definitely be eating very lightly in the days before surgery. We do need to lose weight beforehand to shrink the liver and make it lots easier for the surgeons to see what they're doing. If you can start the diet earlier, more power to you! I think in the long run, it would be better for your health.