Hi, Fellow Julys!
My surgery is schedueld for July 19 and I'm very excited. BUT...big but here!..I have to get through two project deadlines at work before I go out for my medical leave, and I'm finding I'm distracted by that. For me, that is probably a good thing since I otherwise think I would get too anxious abou waiting. I'm also focusing on my final appointment with my doctor on July 2, when I will have my last normal weigh-in and then start my pre-surgical diet. I'm trying to get just a little bit more weight off since I don't feel I've done the best job so far in losing pre-op weight. (I've only lost 16 lbs since October.) Like Linda S., I'm also reading up a storm, which is VERY helpful!! I'm feeling pretty well prepared after reading so many examples of how the surgery happened for other people. I feel like I know what to expect, which is keeping me calm.
I'm so happy I'm finally getting to do this! Once I get past the two work deadlines that is. argh!!
I am scheduled for July 30th, I have been trying not to, but have submitted to the Last Supper Syndrome. I see alot of people say they are on a pre-surgery diet. I have not been told to diet, I see people starting thier liquid diet, I have not been told to do this? I am a nervous wreck because I feel Like I have a big test coming up and I am unprepared. I still have pretty much time I guess, will they tell me this later, or have I forgotten something?
Hi Pam
Don't feel weird my surgery is 7-3-07 and I havent been told anything about a liquid diet either. I go for Pre-op this Wednesday maybe they'll say something then. I guess every doctor is different. Like you I'm mega nervous too but I think that comes with the territory.This is a huge personal decision and we should come out of this cocoon and be beautiful butterflies....Good Luck
I'm doing a bit of the Last Supper thing, too.
I'm reading all I can and working at a really optimistic attitude -- "I'm going to do great!" It's a little hard to do since I've had multiple failed attempts in the past!
My surgery is July 24. It's not too real yet. I am looking forward to a much healthier me!

Ok, I'm a little late getting on the board, but I try really hard not to use the computer over the weekend. I'm on it all day for work; hence, the reason for not even checking e-mails on Sat/Sun.
My surgery is scheduled for July 18. Until last Friday, I was feeling great. I am now getting very anxious about it. I had no problem with the potential for complications, healing, success rate, et****il I read a couple of posts of people with issues. I am trying to keep all the positive posts in my head, but I do still read the negative ones.
Another thing is that a lot of you have lost weight recently. I've done the opposite. I put on three pounds last week and don't have a clue what I did to gain. Maybe the heat is getting to me - both physically and mentally.
I have a support meeting tomorrow night and I'm sure they will calm me down.
Good luck to all of you!
Good Morning Jean!
My date is 1 month and 1 day away.(but who's counting!?) I've done all sorts of little things at home to get ready.
I have some protein samples, a can or two of broth, sugar-free jello, even a little sippy cup that kids use....all ready to go.
I sorted out all my clothes by size, and I got rid of things that are big for me now....because I'm NEVER EVER going to wear them again. A friend gave me hand me downs in sizes 20 to 14, they've been washed, folded and are ready to go...
I put my 'hospital bag' out, there's only a robe and slippers in it, I'll put a litle bit more in it when its time.
As for last suppers, I have 2 planned...one with my OH friends, and one with my close friends who have been supportive.
I am eating more of some things. I don't want to eat like a pig, but I don't want to diet either....so I found a middle ground. I have ONE treat a day. It might be a favorite meal or just a snack. Like last week I had ice cream from Coldstone for the first time ever....I always thought it was too indulgent before and I would never go near it. The rest of the day I eat healthier and drink lots of water....no more soda, I quit a month ago.
Today's treat - carnitas tacos