getting scared 7/6/07 for wls
i am new to this sight and slowly getting to know where to find things. i am scheduled for surgery at geisinger hospital on july 6th. i am going to miss the july 4th holiday picnics but not the fat they contain. the closer the time gets, the shakier i get. my doctor said he wants to keep me for 4 days, due to history of blood clots. i can't wait to get rid of the extra fat, diabetes 2, fatty liver, and bad health. i have a class reunion comming up on july 28th, guess i'll miss that.
Hi Jay,
I am having surgery on 7.10.07 and I am not nervous at all. I am not saying that the night before I won't be going psycho. Have you ever had any surgery before now?
I was alot more nervous when I had a surgery back in '93 because I did not know what to expect. When I went for the pre-admission testing they could not believe that they did not have any records for me at all. I had never even broken a bone ever.!!
Why are you going to miss the picnic? You can still go, just follow what ever diet your dr has you on. Just think of it that even if you miss this party you are doing somehting for yourself so you will be able to attend many more parties in the years to come.
Take care, Paula

thanks for the reassurance. 2 operations ago(2000). i hyperventalated before they put me to sleep for 2 hrs. and because of that, when i woke up i was hysterical and it took 2 nurses to calm me down. i guess i'm just nervous when you hear about people getting put to sleep for an operation and never waking up. the last one (2005) i told the anasthet guy not to let me know when they were going to put me to sleep and it worked out a little better.
i may go to the picnics just to talk. dr. says only water 2 days before. sounds like i'll get on more rides than the rest since i don't have to waste time eating :)
hope all turns out o.k. for you. thanks again. talk to you a few pounds lighter.
best wishes jay
Hi Jay,
I'm scheduled 7/6 also in Louisville, Ky and I'm nervous too. I had to stop smokin for 1 month so I'm losing my mind over that. Did you have the vena cava filter inserted in your neck before undergoing the surgery? I did this a few weeks ago as a precaution of throwing a pulmonary embolism on the table during surgery. This filter keeps the clot from going to the lungs or the brain. You should ask your doctor about this as you have a history of clots. Good luck and god bless.
Hi Jay,
I agree with Sandy, If you are prone for clotting. It is always better to be prepared.
My dr suggested have a vena cava filter also because of my blood test, even though I have not history of clots. He also thought that it may have been an error at the lab, so I was re-tested and didn't hear anything about having one placed in, so I am hoping it was just a lab error. I remember the girl needing to change sites because the needle came out a couple of time while she was withdrawing.
Sandy, is your going to be removed?
Best of luck to both of you, Paula
Hi all,
No, doc said I would have it forever. He actually had to put 2 in me. one in the neck and he went thru the groin area for the second. he said he couldnt get the one in the neck exactly the way he wanted it so he did the other one and it was perfect.
He also told me that this didnt mean I would never develop a blood clot in my lifetime but the filter would keep it from going to my lungs or brain so I think everyone should have this coz its outpatient and dont hurt at all.
good luck,
Hello, I have a question? I have surgery scheduled for July 30, and I too have to have the vena thingy, could you tell me more about it? I have researched it on the web but cant really seem to find much info on it. How does it go in and what is it exactly? It stays in forever???? Does it hurt? Do you know its there?
Thanks for any info you can give me.