How are you preparing? (Just got a date-- July 16)
Me? Stopped both soda and caffeine in February--lowered my calories and now eat 1200-1300 a day, am taking big multivitamins and flax seed oil, am working out/exercising every day, and since my last Drs. eval have lost 43 pounds.
This week, I will order some protein samples (I already bought and use some whey from time to time), try to get some time in the sunlight, get the house cleaned.
What are you doing to get ready?
LOL Shari - I've been working on the house cleaning too. That's a big job! I did stop drinking soda, but my nutritionist said I can still have regular coffee after surgery, as long as I limit myself to one cup per day. I already drink just one cup, so I'm good with that. I've limited myself to 1200 calories and have lost 25 pounds so far. I've got whey protein -- I'm highly allergic to soy, so I'm going with 100% whey. I generally have a protein shake for breakfast, and occasionally replace other meals with it too. My nutritionist recommended buying little containers and preparing things ahead that I will be able to eat, then freezing them in the containers. So, I have a bunch of new 1 cup and half cup containers. She said to start with, get healthy request or healthy choice soups, put them in the blender, and then freeze small portions. I'll do that as I get closer to surgery. I'll also make some watery mashed potatoes, pudding, etc. I already eat Nancy's yogurt, and even like the plain non-fat, so I'm set there. I think I may also get some baby utensils - spoon, etc., so I can eat tiny amounts. I also now eat my dinner on the small salad plate, and I am practicing chewing, chewing, and chewing, until things are mush before I swallow. We all have lots to learn, don't we?
Man, you guys are rocking on your pre-surgery weight loss. I'm down almost 16 pounds since my first meeting with the surgeon (if my scale and the one at the surgeon's office match up, that is). I've started really limiting my calories and am trying hard to up my protein (i've been using the isopure ready to drink, the syntrax nectar powder and the isopure low carb chocolate protein pdr). I also started back at the gym 2 days ago...
Isn't it a great thought to think that the pounds we get off pre-surgery won't be coming back??
WOOHOO my date is July 16 as well :-)
I've been eating more protein, drinking lots and lots of water, I've all but cut out soda, and I've started taking more vitamins, spending more time outside and I got a new puppy to take on walks with me :-)
Unfortunately, I've only lost a couple of pounds....I have PCOS and it makes it difficult to lose weight...but I'm trying my darndest....even though I slip occasionally for a "last meal" type thing....