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Topic: RE: 7/24 How much have you lost?
I had surgery 7/25 and have lost 36 pounds, 4 inches off my behind and 4 inches off my waist. It is very exciting. Bravo on your 24 pounds.
Topic: Had my one month check-up today
Actually it's been 6 weeks since surgery, but they couldn't get me in sooner because of the Doctor being on vacation.
Anyway, she said I'm doing very well, I've lost 16% of my excess body weight and 48lb. She OK'd me to eat anything I can tolerate, so I got my first two bites of salad today, and boy did it taste good!
One thing that surprised me was she doesn't want me to drink anymore protein drinks, wants me to get it all from food now. She said they've found that after 4 weeks your body gets lazy and slows your metabolism so you don't loose as fast if you continue using the drinks for your protein source.
I still have to go back to the hospital Friday so they can scope me again to see about my stricture, but this time it'll be a piece of cake I'm sure.
Hope everyone else is doing well!
Topic: RE: (help) pain 4 weeks out
Please call you Doctor ... let him decide what's wrong, if anything!
Topic: RE: Why am I losing so slowly?!
Hey, Stephanie
Well, I HAD lost 30 pounds by week 6, but by week 7, I gained a pound back. So my solution at present is to stay away from the scales for a little bit. It is too depressing, and ends up making me want to self sabotage.
Soon, the weight will begin to melt off and we will feel terrific, I just KNOW it will!!!
Topic: RE: Why am I losing so slowly?!
Try Matrix Perfect Chocolate, available at
As a matter of fact, order the sample pack of protein supplements. They vow to stock on the BEST TASTING supplements, and I am here to tell you, it is no lie!
Topic: RE: Why am I losing so slowly?!
Dear Ree Ree_
Oh, friend I'm so glad we've connected! Yes, we have the same birthday-7/11/06-we'll have to save these emails and read them again next July...HOPEFULLY we'll laugh at how silly we've been! I'm going to try a product from concentrate protein drink Mariah kindly told me about-it's not milk based...they do take forever to drink and it's hard getting all the protein in...I'll let you know how I like them...have you tried it?
Yes, I'm exercizing-walking 1.5miles or so and I've started lifting weights again like I did pre-surg...its SO frustrating to "gain" muscle b/c you don't SEE the loss on the scales...I know its the right thing to do though...
Oh my gosh, the homework for my first grader...sight words, spelling lists, bible verse, reading math!!! My four year old daughter wants to do "homework" too...and I can't turn my back for a second on our 2 year old...he's the one with spina bifida whom the docs said would never move...well God has a since of humor b/c this child is everywhere!! I simply can't imagine working outside the home too...:) I look forward to our email friendship...let's keep each other posted on how we're doing...
Be well,
Topic: RE: Can anyone suggest a protein bar we can eat?
The Power Crunch bars (advertised below on most pages) are pretty good. Don't know the NUT details. I also found Atkins Advantage bars at my grocery store with zero sugar and I think 11g protein. I've tried one and it did ok...
Christina S

Topic: 7/24 How much have you lost?
I had surgery on 7/24 and at my 4 week appt. I had lost 24 lbs. I'm just wondering how everyone else is doing?
I am a little over a month today and have lost slightly over 20 pounds. However, I had a stall for two weeks as well, but also thought my clothes were looser.
So on the day of my month appointment I re-measured myself (I had my measurements from the day before surgery written in my surgery bible)--
I have lost 17" over all my body. Its astounding and made me feel so much better about the stall.
If you have not measured yourself yet, please do so now so that you can see that your body is indeed changing!
My feet even lost inches!
Topic: RE: Why am I losing so slowly?!
Ree Ree, You made me laugh dear, My biggest secret is DONT GET FAT IN THE FIRST PLACE.....should have taken my own advice....LOL
I tell my adorable neice that all the time. I love her and dont want her to ever go thru what Ive had to. Shes a cheerleader for her High School and eats everything in site...Like an entire box of chocolate doughnuts. I keep telling her that now shes moving all the time and constantly working out at practices and compatitions but thats not going to happen forever. I try to tell her now is the time to start making healthy choices becouse soon she will be at the age I was when I started gaining wt. Shes to young to diet...but just to eat one dounut and not the entire box... Make a few healthier decisions. I hope she listens. Its a horrible family curse!!!
There u have my biggest secret...
But I still swear by my profect. Thats how I have been able to keep my protein grams way up and I havent lost any hair?