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Topic: RE: to weight or not to weight
I weigh about every know if you have lost. Numbers arent important its how you feel...your clothes etc.
Good luck!
Topic: RE: 7/24 How much have you lost?
Nevermind my last post. I just realized that you all are RNY patients. I thought you were lap band patients...I was thinking to in the world did they lose all this weight before their first fill? LMAO. I feel better now knowing that I was comparing apples and
Topic: RE: 7/24 How much have you lost?
This fu**ing sucks! I had surgery 7/31/06 and I've been at the same weight for the last two weeks. I've only lost 13 pounds and 7 of that was pre-op. What gives? I paid all this money for surgery and I feel like I'm gonna go bankrupt for another scam...ugh. Sorry for sounding so pessimistic. I'm just really upset about this today.
Topic: RE: 7/24 How much have you lost?
I had my surgery on July 3, 2006 and I've lost 50 pound. Check out my profile to see my before & after picture. It's located at the bottom of my profile. I was amazed myself when I saw it.
Good luck to everyone in their weightloss journey.
Lots of Love
Topic: RE: HELLO YOU BEAUTIFUL LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Susan,
I hope you remember me. We chatted prior to surgery and was going to keep in touch. Guess the surgery took a lot out of us. I go to my state message board more than anywhere else on here. I've made such good friends.
How have you been doing since your surgery and how much weight have you lost. I am down 50 lbs. and feeling fabulous. I still have a ways to go but nowhere else would I have lost this kind of weight in this kind of time. It's been wonderful.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Lots of Love
Topic: RE: to weight or not to weight
I hit the scale only at the gym and then ONLY after I've worked out. At that point the endorphins are going so strong, if I'm up or down, it doesn't really matter.
At the most, I hit the scale 2x a week and that's if I remember. I'm down 52.2 lbs since my 7/12 surgery, and I didn't even think about weighing until I went to my first post-op class in early August. My real gauge? Clothes. I've put on a pair of pants on a Monday that were snug, and by the next Monday they were comfortable and by the Monday after that, they were headed to Goodwill. every time for me.

Topic: RE: HELLO YOU BEAUTIFUL LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heya Bobbie Lynn! I can definitely relate to the exhaution after work
45 pounds???? Wow, that is FABULOUS! You GO, girl!!!
Topic: RE: to weight or not to weight
IMHO, weighing every day is NOT a good idea, at least until we are at maintenance. Our weight can easily fluctutate up and down a few pounds every day depending on all sorts of things . . . how much water we are retaining, how much we pooped, barometric pressure (just kidding), what time of month it is . . . you get the drift. And those of us who are desperate to lose can become VERY upset over those daily variations. I promised myself I'd weigh only once a week, and when I broke that promise and weighed a second time, I had GAINED a pound. So I am back to once a week or less, and thinking that the best advice I received when I was worried about my stall was . . .
Step AWAY from the scale!!!!!

Topic: RE: Protein drink question
Hi Janet!
That sort of depends on the type of surgery. I've had a DS, and I can't possibly get in 90-120 g of protein a day from food alone this soon after surgery - I can't eat that much. AND . . . with the DS we don't have to worry about fat, so we CAN eat peanut butter, although I have not been since the first week or two after surgery!
Good luck with your progress!