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Topic: RE: how will i throw them away??
Hi Sandy,
I haven't been able to get rid of any clothes yet. My husband is excited about the chance for me to get rid of a couple worn out things that are torn or wore through - I think they're fine for around the house or in the back yard. Someone told me today that I needed to wear some smaller clothes so that the weight I've lost would be more noticeable, naaaa - I like my baggy clothes.
Just a suggestion...there are a lot of pre-ops on the Md board that might appreciate your bigger clothes. Last year I answered a post for clothes that were being given away and I was just tickled to get them.
Take care,

Topic: RE: how will i throw them away??
I haven't thrown anything away, my big clothes went either back in my closet after I took them in (if possible) or to friends/co-workers/family.
I hate throwing away clothes b/c they aren't cheap--especially if you shot the plus size stores. It's like throwing away money.
Now shoes I had to throw out--lost the first 5lbs in my feet I No one I know where's the size that I wore so I did throw those out.
Topic: RE: Anyone else July 25th rebirth days??
7/25/06 is my birthday too!
Doing well, but having some problems keeping some meats down (chicken meat from fajita and other "dense" meats).
Eating cottage cheese & yogurt like it is going out of style. I have heard that dairy products aid in weight loss around the tummy. I have become a huge fan of chili & refried beans. I haven't tried fried foods or anything that would have been a comfort food prior to surgery. Yippee, I knew there was some self control in there!
Down 47 lbs, can't wait to hit the 50 mark. Would it be completely wrong to want to go someplace like Red Lobster for a shrimp ****tail to celebrate?
Attitude toward this surgery~well, it has changed my whole outlook on life. I would do it again in a heartbeat!! Relationships have changed in a good way with husband and family. This has affected by self esteem which has affected every part of my life. I found the ME I USED to be!!

Topic: RE: -60 pounds!
That's awesome!!! I'm only at 42, but I have a feeling I'm going to drop again soon! Thanks for the inspiration,
Topic: RE: Anyone else have difficulty w/ ground meat
I've only been sick once and it was either the chicken or steak that I ate. It was only a bite or two, but apparently it didn't sit right. I've had both before and after the incident, I guess it just depends on the day. Moisture has a lot to do with it too!
The only other thing that just doesn't sit well with me is Salad. Weird, eh? Its something with the leaves not going down right. It just makes me feel bad. No salad for me.
Topic: RE: how will i throw them away??
I hear ya, Sandy. I've been doing it slowly but surely. I actually just brought some skinny clothes out and they are working out, which is great. But I'm still scared to get rid of the old ones, but I am going to do it. This weekend I'll be going through and trying on stuff, making three piles: Selling, Donating, and Trashing.
I'll finally be rid of my excess baggage for good!
Topic: RE: calcium supplement
And they are calcium citrate???? That's awesome. I'd rather find some locally then online like I've been doing.
Thanks for the tip,
Topic: RE: Anyone else July 25th rebirth days??
Hi everyone, I had my surgery on July 25th also. I started out weighing 269 and now weigh 239. Thats a loss of 30 lbs. I can eat almost anything except meats, they don't stay down very well. Sugar free pudding with a little bit of peanut butter on top is one of my favorite desserts. I have been doing great since surgery but find myself at this time not hungry and my pouch fills up fast. Do any of you feel that way?
Topic: RE: how will i throw them away??
I've been giving a lot of stuff to my mom and the goodwill. I was looking at some of my old clothes that now fit and a lot of them are out of style so I thought.....I need to get rid of the big stuff regardless because hopefully I will never see this size again and if I do the stuff will be out of style anyway......I'm not trying to think negatively, but I also have a problem letting go of clothes since I have went up and down so much so that is how I justified it to myself! Monique
Topic: RE: Anyone else have difficulty w/ ground meat
I've read this and tried it and it seems to work well for me. Make sure the meat is very moist and even has some kind of sauce....for example I do better with chicken when it is cooked with cream of mushroom soup and whatever other spice you may want to definitely helps me........the sauce makes it go down a lot better.......however, I do have problems with beef
(which is very common) with the exception of Wendy's chili (go figure - I have never had a problem with their chili)! Monique D.