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Topic: RE: wow moment 40lbs!!
hello,,,im at 45 now,,,i go to this web site that charts the lose and they say i should have lose about 70 or 80 to be as they say a fast loser,,,and then they show you a slow loser,,,and im losing just alittle more then a slow loser,,,,how do you lose fast like they think,,,,,,,,,,i think we are doing fine,,,,i dont know,,,i just want to make the more out of this surgery,,,
friends w/a pouch

Topic: RE: Anyone else stuck?
Hi Kate. July was a lifetime ago, wasn't it? We were different people then, that was before our RE-birthdays!
I know what you mean about stalling the week of your cycle. I don't think it is just us feeling that panic. My daughter is on Weigh****chers for the last 8 weeks and averages loosing just right at 3 lbs a week (I am so proud of her!) except during that time. She is lucky to loose anything.
Enjoy not having to wonder about the scale and pressure that week!!!
Topic: RE: Anyone else stuck?
It does seem like ages ago.
The first time I began to drive myself crazy b/c of a stall I put my scale away. Now I just get on it when I happen to think about it or if I'm feeling lighter that day.
My scale now has a home in a cabinet that I don't open regularly--out of sight, out of mind.
Topic: Anyone else stuck?
I seem to plateau the whole week I have my period! I know in my head that it's ok, because I'm doing everything right, but I still feel panic-y! Do you feel like July was ages ago? I can't hardly remember what eating was like before, Thank God!
Take care!
Kate J
Topic: RE: wow moment 40lbs!!
I had the same date and hit forty one last week!!
We rock!!!!
Fifty is gonna be fun to see...never lost fifty pounds before!
Topic: more 101 reasons
21. To fit in the bathtub and be able to shave your legs and actually be able to get back out!!!
22. To wrap the bathtowel around your body and not have to hold it in place because it doesn't go all the way around you.
23. To finally be able to wear great grandmother's ring.
24. Not to look like the Pillsbury DoBoy when wearing a coat and scarf this winter.
25. Not to feel like you have to run and hide when someone comes in with a camera and starts taking pictures.
26. To realize you can walk away from the snacks in the breakroom without having to fill up.
Hey, I like this idea.
Topic: I have a stricture.
Thanks to all that helped me thru the weekend's fiasco.
As we thought, I do have a stricture and will be having endoscopy with dilation on Friday. If anyone has had it, can you please advise your procedure and how you have done?
Many thanks!!
Topic: I'm baack!! Update
Well, yesterday was my 2 month mark. I haven't been on here in a while mostly cause I've been busy with work and just tired a lot.
I've lost 45 lbs since surgery so that's a total of 60 since my top weight in Jan/Feb. I'm at 217 as of yesterday. I feel pretty good but am much more tired than I used to be. I feel like I need a nap every evening but lately we've had back to school night/volleyball games/running concession stand, etc, at work. So much for rest, lol, but that's okay cause I love my job and my students. I am wearing clothes that I haven't worn in 6-7 years and those are a lot looser than when I bought them. I'm at a point now where all of my clothes are too big (even my "small" clothes that I haven't been able to fit into for years) so I'm going to have to go shopping before long. My students are all noticing but they don't know I had the surgery. They make very nice compliments telling me how good I look.
They actually had me blushing one day, lol. One student blurted out, "you're getting smaller and smaller everyday!" I have to admit, I feel like I look so much better. Moving around is already easier and I feel great other than the tiredness. I can't do protein whatsoever. It makes me nauseated, no matter what kind I try. I often forget my vitamins but I am working really hard on getting better than that. I probably get in about 40-50 oz of liquid and am trying to drink more and more. I only like my water/drinks when they're ice cold for some reason.
Now that I'm 2 months out, fully healed and eating normal foods (i.e. getting the nutrition I need), I'm going to start lifting weights to tone my body up. I'm going to be working with our athletic director in the gym here at the school to work on toning. I'm excited about that!
I'm a little concerned that my energy may not allow it but also am hoping that it may give me more energy... we'll see.
So, all in all, things are going great, still trying to get all my vitamins/water everyday. I'm loving that I'm losing this weight! I am SOOO excited about the next 6 months. I know my weight loss will slow but I'm hoping to be at goal in about 6-7 months... sooo that means by Spring Break, maybe? Wouldn't that be awesome!

Topic: RE: ~~`YES`~~ Miss being on here!~
Yeah, I haven't been on here for over a month, mostly just crazy busy and tired. School started back up so it was back to work with my students!
THis is always a nutty time for us teachers. I'm glad you're feeling better!

Topic: RE: Friday Five...weekly update
Found ya Amber!!
I had a subway teryaki chicken/sweet onion sandwich (it took up two meals) - that was my favorite meal of the week. I also had some taco meat and cheese with a little rice mixed in. My body is a little picky about rice sometimes. I can eat it fine one day and other days it makes me nauseated.
I haven't done much exercise other than walking but I'm going to start lifting weights now that I've hit my 2 month mark.
I have lost 45 lbs. since surgery. 5 lbs this week!! I didn't lose any the week before though so.....
My biggest challenge was (and still is) remember all of my vitamins and keeping my energy up. I know those are intertwined and I'm working on it. I'm very tired this week.
I'm pretty much eating the same stuff as the week before but everything is going down better. I've had hardly any problems this week!! I am CRAVING tomatoes and lemonade (not together though)... go figure! I'm loving crystal light and minute maid light (subway and some other fast food places have minute maid light lemonade now!
Christmas.... The number one thing I want is to be home with my family. I also want some new clothes cause none of my clothes fit anymore (even the "small stuff").
Hope everyone else is having a great week!