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Topic: RE: For everyone that thinks they are a slow loser
this is not my computer so i check my email on my cell phone,,i tried to send you another one from there and i couldnt so i have to come here sorry,,
anyway where do you get them how much are they and do they taste good???????
Topic: RE: Friday Five - Weekly Update
Friday Five - Weekly Update
1. What types of food did you eat this week? Went last Sunday to a fellow gbs pts home and had...turkey pepperoni, crystal light lemonade, pork rinds and new whey. At home I had cheese soup, cottage cheese, steamed broccoli and a salad and a steak from the outback...ate on it for 3 days and then thru the rest away. Today I had some no salt Cashews. I had lots of new things this week. Didnt have any problems. Loved the salad...I had really missed those.
2. What types of exercise did you do this week? I was really bad. I had gotten bit 6 times by a spider and have been in alot of pain...only took a few walks and No time at the gym...spent time at the Drs office though...LOL
3. How much weight did you lose? Total loss? Only about 2 lbs this week.
4. What was your biggest challenge? I had a great week other than the spider bites. I got a new hairdo. Got to see several ppl that I hadnt seen in a yr and they loved the way I was looking...I finally told them I had surgery but they really didnt know at
5. Will you be walking for Obesity this weekend? Im going to a Clothing exchange for the Indiana board on Sat. Looking forward to meeting them all.
*Fun bonus question:
Are you excited for your next high school reunion? Do you plan on going? Anything about school memories you want to share? Had my 30th reunion in July....I didnt go. Had to work that weekend. Never have went to one though... Guess Like others when I get skinny I will go and wow them all...LOL
Topic: RE: For everyone that thinks they are a slow loser
hello mariah,
are those profects those protine drinks that are only 3oz????just wondering,,
,,,,as you can see on the board i tryed those turkey chip they were great,,,thanks,
Topic: potato chips?? NO! BETTER!!
hello all,,,
mariah gave me this ,,,take turkey peperoni ,,,,place 2 or so paper towels on a plate then the peperoni,,then a few more paper towels on top
,,, put in microwave 2 min,,,
,way better then potato chips and it protine,,
,,,mmmmmmmmmmmmmm it was so good my boy friend ate most of them,,,i weighed them 2 oz and it came to around 17 to 19 mine where thin,,,,,you have to try them,,,,,,,,,,,
,for anyone that new i finally last back 2 of the 4lbs,,
,,thanks all
friends w/a pouch,

Topic: RE: Lexington National OH Conference
I will be attending along with about 8 of my new friends from the Indiana boards. The Indiana boards are a tight group of ppl that I have been very lucky to have met up with. They are all very supportive. I personally am going with a girl named Carmen and we are staying at the Radison. I'll be sure and keep an eye out for u.
Im looking forward to it.
Are u two dressing up for the masq. Party???
Topic: RE: Eating more?
Are u measuring your food? I was given a specific amt of food volume (not wt) that Im to eat. I had my surgery on July 12th and Im only allowed to eat 3 ozs of food at each meal. At 3 months out Im supposed to go up to 4 ozs per meal. Then at 6 months it goes up to 5 ozs of food. Then at 8 months out its 6 ozs. 10 months out its 7 ozs and over a yr out you get 8ozs of food per meal.
Just after surgery I was never hungry. Ive started getting feelings of hunger now. I cant go more than 3 hrs that I dont start feeling hungry. As someone else said already. We cant just eat what we want when we want or we will have learned nothing and end up where we started.
We have to take the first few months to make permenate changes in our lives so we dont make the same mistakes that got us to surgery the first time.
Thats why they call this a tool. Its not a cure all by any means. We have to do our part as well. Sounds to me like u have had a great wt loss so far. Just keep making the right choices and keep up the great wt loss
Topic: RE: Eating more?
I think I'm able to eat a bit more, and when I accidentally gulp my water it doesn't hurt as bad either. I'm not too worried yet...but I also know that I eventually our pouches will stretch a bit and if we're not making lifestyle changes we can go right back to where we were. suggestion (although you should check with your Dr) would be to not eat all you can, but eat what you should. Does that make sense?
Hope that helps,
Christina S

Topic: Eating more?
Have any other July people hit the point where you are eating more? I can eat significatly more than I was able to a month ago, and it is beginning to worry me.
I've managed to lose 116 pounds since my July 5th date, but I still have a LONG way to go. I'm worried I will have to get a revision because I stretched out my pouch...
Topic: RE: Friday Five - Weekly Update
1. What types of food did you eat this week? Turkey, cheese, chili, pork chop, egg salad, ham, eggs, broccoli, carrots (cooked), turkey jerky, SF fudgecicle, yogurt ... same ole same ole!
2. What types of exercise did you do this week? Treadmill, and water aerobics
3. How much weight did you lose? 5lb Total loss? 68lb
4. What was your biggest challenge? getting in all my protein, and keeping it down!
5. Will you be walking for Obesity this weekend? no, didn't know about it
*Fun bonus question:
Are you excited for your next high school reunion? Do you plan on going? Anything about school memories you want to share?
My next high school reunion will be in two years. My best friend and I ha decided not to go to anymore, but the other night a lady a****er aerobics started talking about it and I thought "Heck I'll be a different person in two years." So on the way home I called my best friend and she agreed that we would go!
I loved high school, was a band geek because we got to go everywhere! My freshman year we went to Hawaii during spring break, talk about fun! My size didn't matter because I made friends with everyone. I also wasn't that heavy back then!