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Topic: RE: Lexington National OH Conference
I think we are coming in early on Friday but that will depend on my work schedule. Right now we dont have a reservation for Thursday night.
As for costumes...I really dont want to ...but I think my friend is looking for one. I will try to get one but Im not going out of my way if I dont find one. I used to spend the time to make one...but not this yr.
I'll let u know more later on our arrival times and I do plan on taking my laptop so I can still post at night...LOL
Topic: What about apple cidar?
Now that fall is here, I was wondering if anyone has tried apple cidar and if we would get dumping syndrome from it? I live in Michigan and October has always been about the apple cidar....Help
Topic: RE: ~~`YES`~~ Miss being on here!~
Can another teacher pipe in about the craziness of this time of the year. HOW do ya'll find time to eat during the school day? I am sometimes running between classes with a cheese stick or yogurt in my hand. Between school, volleyball games, football games, cheerleaders and working Friday night concession stand for the band boosters at the varisty games. I don't know if I am coming or going.
I too am stuck in a stall for the past 3 weeks. I am down 62 pounds and just STUCK HERE. I am looking at the posts and what everyone is eating and thinking maybe I need to eat more. WOW, that is wierd.
Going to grab a yogurt now.
Bobbie Lynn
Topic: RE: Eating more?
HI Jim!
Over time our pouches do stretch some. If you are making healthy food choices and paying attention to your body while eating I wouldn't worry too much about it. You have lost a great deal of weight so you seem to be doing just fine. I wouldn't worry about eating too much unless you start gaining weight or stall without any loss of inches.
If what you are doing with your eating is working for you then don't change it. Like the old saying goes. If it aint broke don't try to fix it.
Awesome job on the weight loss!
Topic: RE: potato chips?? NO! BETTER!!
Volume only measures liquid or the space that a container can hold "correctly". When you measure out food and you use a measuring cup the smaller the food particle the more volume you will get. To get a correct volume measurement you would have to blend your solid foods up. 1 oz volume of solid food (unless very tightly packed and I mean very tightly packed with no air pockets) is not a correct measurement.
The good thing hear is that our pouches are designed to let us know when we are full. Normally, when we eat to much we get sick or feel real bad and know we ate too much. Not everyone's pouch is the same size, either, depending on the doctor who did it. In the beginning they can range from 15ml to 30ml (1/2oz to 1 oz).
My point here is no matter how you measure your food out, if you pay attention to your pouch you will know when you are full, or getting full, and know when to stop eating or pay the consequences.
Another thing to think about here is most of the serving sizes go by weight for food unless it is a liquid. 1oz food measured in volume could weight more or less then 1oz measured in weight depending on density. To get a proper serving size you would have to weigh your portion as well.
Again, no matter how you do it if it is working for you then do it. Just make sure you are getting in the proper amount of nutrients per day as your doctor tells you to.
Topic: RE: Lexington National OH Conference
I'd love to be able to meet you!
We're getting in on Thursday sometime...I think the VA board may be putting together a meet n greet....but not sure yet. I'll keep my eyes peeled for you too!
We are planning on dressing up, but are having a hard time coming up with costumes. I'd like to go as a "couple" but we have a hard time coming to a couple that we both like. Are you dressing up?
Christina S

Topic: RE: potato chips?? NO! BETTER!!
Ok....I just want to add two things to this. I use turkey pepperonis when I can find them and I usually can. This really helps to cut down on the fat and they are everybit as good.
second I see u said u weighted them....when U eat one oz...its not weight...its a volume measurement.... Which means u use a dry/liquid measuring cup... what u want is something thats the same size as your pouch or smaller.
I have cups at get at GNC. That are disposeable...1 oz condiment containers. They come like 200 to a pack. Then I have my meals all ready to go to work or where ever with me. Just grab them and go.
U could also use a shot glass...I think most of them are 2 ozs by volume. Another suggestion would be an old coffee scoop. Use what works for u
Let me explain this a little different. U could have two different foods in the same amt (volume)of them and one could wt totally different than the other just becouse of the food denisity (compare 1 oz of heavy mashed potatos could wt 4 oz of wt measurement to 1 oz of popcorn which might only wt 1/2 oz of wt meaurment)...we are NOT worried about the wt or density of the food...
We are worried about the amt of food we put in our pouch...we dont want to over fill it.
I hope this makes it much clearer.....measure your food by volume not wt.
Topic: RE: For everyone that thinks they are a slow loser
ill try them thanks,,,i went and got one of those water bottles that hold 64 oz ive been going to the bathroom all day lol
Topic: RE: For everyone that thinks they are a slow loser
The taste fruity...I didnt care for them or milk after surgery so it was just with these I only had to drink 3 oz... and with milk I had to drink like 24 oz...for the same amt of protein. Now I really do like them....Just right after surgery I didnt like anything.
I buy mine on They are just a little cheaper than the ones from
I think they are a great way to get protein and they are great when u are on the go...just take a tube or two with u and u can be gone all day. Also on really hot days I put them in the freezer and ate them like a popsickle.