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Topic: RE: 3 Months here we come!
Aloha Pamela...weight loss sister!! Wow, we had surgery on the same exact date, and have lost almost exactly the same. That makes me feel so much better. I, too, have an appointment with my surgeon on Oct. 26th. I fly from Maui back over to Honolulu where I had my surgery. When I saw him at 4 weeks I told him I didn't think he'd done anything to me because I had no problems at all with any food I introduced. He laughed at me and said oh yes, he had done a lot inside of me.
Thank you so much for made me feel a lot better. I hope we both break through the stall and have excellent reports when we see our surgeons on the 26th.
Aloha nui loa,
Topic: RE: Just not seeing it.
Hey, Jim
Well, I will be 3 months out on Wednesday, and as of this week I was down 41 pounds. I can't see it either, except in the face, and only one person at work has noticed any change at all. And my clothing sizes have not changed yet. I am STARTING to notice that my clothes are no longer skin tight at least, but I certainly don't need to go down any sizes yet. So I can relate.
On the other hand . . .
100 pounds of weight loss in THREE MONTHS? When is the last time in your life you were able to do that??? How long did it take you to GAIN all the weight, more than 3 months? I would guess you don't have as much trouble moving around, you can go up and down stairs with MUCH less pain and stress, right?
Give yourself a break, dear. Your surgery is working. It is not a magic wand, it won't happen overnight, but a hundred pounds is a huge amount in such a short time. Hang in there, ok???
Topic: RE: Friday Five - Weekly Update!
Friday Five - Weekly Update!
1. What types of food did you eat this week?
The usual- Wendy's Chili, chicken fajita meat, Progresso beef soups. Cheese
But I also tried these for the first time this week-- Cous Cous, a raw peach (YUM!), and a tamale (yummy too!), and Quaker Spy Crisps (WONDERFUL).
2. What types of exercise did you do this week?
I am embarrassed to say I only exercised once this week! I had been on nmy period and allowed myself to use my sluggishness and crampiness as an excuse. Naughy Mojo!
3. How much weight did you lose? Total loss?
I lost about a pound, bringing my total loss in the last two months to 38 pounds. I am sitting pretty at 202.5 pounds. I'm pretty darn happy with that.
4. What was your biggest challenge?
I only threw up once this week due to eating too quickly and not chewing properly. Biggest challenge would have to be staying focused while eating so I do not get sick.
5. How much has your BMI changed?
I've gone from a 48.6 BMI to a 40.8. Nice jump there.
*Fun bonus question:
If applicable, what was your first WOW moment? If not, what is the best compliment you've received so far.
My first WOW moment was on Tuesday while on my way to the surgeon;s office for a checkup. My son was eating a chicken nugget in the back seat and since we were driving I was getting nervous about it. Instead of watching him in the mirror, i *TURNED AROUND IN MY SEAT* to watch him. It didn't occur to me what I had been able to do until I turned facing forward again. I literally gasped when I realized it and hubby was sitting next to me grinning like a fool.
I could not do that a month ago!
Topic: RE: Friday Five - Weekly Update!
1. What types of food did you eat this week? The same ole same ole, turkey, fruits, chicken, soup, chili, cheese, protein drinks, oh, and hubby and I did share chiken/beef fajitas
2. What types of exercise did you do this week? Treadmill and water aerobics
3. How much weight did you lose? 5lb Total loss? 73lb
4. What was your biggest challenge?This was a nice easy week, I didn't really have any challenges
5. How much has your BMI changed? Started at 66.2 it's now 53.3
*Fun bonus question:
If applicable, what was your first WOW moment? My first WOW moment was trying on a pair of jeans I wore all the time before surgery and buttoning them, and having them fall off!
If not, what is the best compliment you've received so far? The best compliment I've had came from a good male friend, he told me if I kept loosing weight I was going to have to start beating men off with a stick!
Topic: RE: Just not seeing it.
Tiem to get out your tape measure if you haven't done your measurements yet!
Having my 'before' measurements and keeping track of them over the past two months have been a sanity saver for me. Ask your wife to help you. For those times you aren't seeing the changes, once you have the measurements at least you will know that your body is indeed changing!
Topic: RE: 3 Months here we come!
Like Pamela, I'm in the same boat as you are! My surgery was the day before yours.
I've lost 33 since surgery but if I add the 5 pounds I lost two weeks prior then my total hits 38.
Also, I've noticed I have started the second stall and I expect this one to possibly last a couple weeks. Wanting to see that 199 again, so you just KNOW that my body will get stubborn.
So I am adding in some light free weights along with 4 days of cardio and working on getting my water past 48 oz a day. My surgeon only requires 32 oz. a day and that has worked for me since I've been struggling with the water. By changing up my goals, I now have something else to focus on other than the scale.
Also, don't forget to keep track of your measurements!
Topic: RE: Friday Five - Weekly Update!
1. What types of food did you eat this week? Fruit smoothies, yogurt, cottage cheese, mozzarella string cheese, saltines, green beans, peas, crab dip, Baked potato, Chili, FF hot dogs, RF alfredo sauce w/angel hair, and SF popsicles (Not been the healthiest week)
2. What types of exercise did you do this week? Walked 3 miles for charity on Saturday, walked a mile one day this week, Volleyball practice on Tuesday.
3. How much weight did you lose? Total loss? 3 lbs, 52 lbs
4. What was your biggest challenge? I still wish I was exercising more. I can't imagine how much more weight I would lose if I did it more often, I just can't find the time. I need to make the time.
5. How much has your BMI changed? It went from 42 to 35.5, woohoo. I'm just obese now!!!!
*Fun bonus question:
If applicable, what was your first WOW moment? If not, what is the best compliment you've received so far? I think my first was trying on a shirt that was a size 14/16 and it fit?!?!?!?!??! I'm sure it was just that particular shirt, but it was a huge wake-up. Time to go through the closet.
Have a great weekend, all.

Topic: RE: Anyone getting a flu shot?
I've never had one and I don't think I want to start now.
Topic: Friday Five - Weekly Update!
1. What types of food did you eat this week?
2. What types of exercise did you do this week?
3. How much weight did you lose? Total loss?
4. What was your biggest challenge?
5. How much has your BMI changed?
*Fun bonus question:
If applicable, what was your first WOW moment? If not, what is the best compliment you've received so far?