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Topic: RE: Weeding the Closet.... Help
I totally understand, but for me it got to the point the legs were too wide I was tripping over them, I finally did it and got rid of 5 bags of clothes that is half my clothes, so can't wait to get rid of the other half good luck
Topic: Down 62 pounds and not yet 3 months out
thats right... I feel great, also went from a 3X to a XL feeling great
I know how you feel. I was afraid I had a stricture but I needed my gall bladder removed and also I had to lean to take very small bites, if you think it's small make it a little smaller and then chew, chew, chew and chew some more. You should discuss this with your doc. and/or nut right away, like tomorrow, just to be safe and sure it isn't anything serious. Hope you feel better soon.
Topic: RE: Anyone else tired of same old food?
Just wanted to share...I was lucky I guess my surgeon does not like drinking your calories beyond two weeks or so. I can eat anything I want; I add a new thing about once a week or so and see how I do with it. I go online, look for recipes, and modify them for my pouch. Here is a list of some of what I eat and have eaten.
Deli meats (sparingly) salt and stuff
Beans all kinds
All types of cheeses (I try to get low fat)
Eggs (quiche)
Egg salad
Salad (carefully)
Green beans
Spinach (did not sit very well)
I don't eat
White bread or anything white, pastas and such
I eat whole wheat spaghetti, bread etc, and moderately
Triscut crackers
Tried Ritz but they were too good and not a good choice for me but I could eat them
Kashi cereals
Tried raisins (don't advise it, excessively much sugar)
and I think that's about everything.
I do chew chew chew a lot, and abide by the drinking eating rules. I have lost a little over 60 pounds so far. I hope this helps some, don't be afraid to try new things as long as your doctor is on board. Good luck to you and way to go on your success!
Topic: RE: 3 months out and HOW MUCH HAVE U LOST
I had my surgery on July 11 and I have lost 91 pounds. So, our new running total is 885 pounds. Keep up the good work everyone.
Topic: RE: Just not seeing it.
Jim, don't loose the faith just yet. I also don't see myself inside of my big body. I have always purposely avoided mirrors and pictures, even though everyone says "you are such a pretty lady". I just can't do it. I still see myself as a size 9 seventeen year old, not a size 20 41 year old. When I do see a pix, I am usually disgusted and disappointed in my looks.
HOWEVER, being down several clothes sizes has kept me from falling into the bottomless pit of self despair. Have the wife start measuring the following places: neck, upper arm, chest, waist, hips, abdomin, both thighs, both calves, both ankles, and both wrists. Then in a month do it again. Add up all of the inches you have lost and that will make you feel WONDERFUL. When the scale wasn't moving, the inches were. Come on, just do it.
Also, it is probably time to get atleast one set of new clothes that fit. Get a nice pair of jeans and casual shirt, and a set of dress clothes. Take your wife out somewhere nice, go dancing, to a movie, etc. but get out of the house and enjoy the beautiful weather before the snow starts to fly. Fall is such a nice time of the year, and I hate to hear that anyone is in The Deep Depression. If you need to, visit the doc for some meds to get you over the hump you are experiencing right now. Please continue to post and let us all know how you are doing. Take care!!!
Topic: RE: Friday Five - Weekly Update!
1. What types of food did you eat this week? Same stuff mostly, but tried a cheese stuffed pasta shell w/o the shell, breakfast burrito, the "good tender part" of a porterhouse steak, stuffed mushroom-YUM
2. What types of exercise did you do this week? walking, rode ATVs for about 16 hours over the weekend, man do my arms hurt!
3. How much weight did you lose? Total loss? Haven't made it back on the scale
4. What was your biggest challenge? EATING SLOWLY and CHEWING
5. How much has your BMI changed? hmmm, I wonder?
*Fun bonus question:
If applicable, what was your first WOW moment? If not, what is the best compliment you've received so far? When a guy hit on me not knowing I was married.
My rings don't fit any more.

Topic: RE: Weeding the Closet.... Help
I have had difficulty letting go of my too big clothes as well. As a man, part of it is the dollar aspect of being cheap and not wanting to just give my things away. I have given away about 3 trash bags full to date and probably have another bag full that I can start working on very soon. Also, it is starting to get a little colder and all of my coats are too big as well. Replacing those will be costly.
A big part of the letting go is thinking in the back of my mind that I may some day need them. But, I finally resolved myself that I will never go back to that size again and getting rid of them is somewhat therapeutic though not easy.
As a large man, it is harder to find places that exchange clothes and I had to break down last week and order a couple of pairs of trousers that actually fit instead of going with the baggy look. I now have started a contest to see if I'll wear out these new trousers by washing them two or three times a week or if they'll be too big before they wear out.
Good luck to you, but realize it is part of a positive transformation.
Topic: RE: Weeding the Closet.... Help
I didn't save from my smaller days. In fact I had just cleaned out my clothes before me moved 3 yrs ago. I could so be wearing those clothes.
I hope I"m ready to pass these clothes on soon. Thank you for the support!
Topic: RE: Weeding the Closet.... Help
See, there is a store around my house that will trade me store credit for my used clothing as long as it is nice. I have sweaters that are still in the packages that I could be trading in.
I agree, we all did the lose a pound/inch gain it back. And I think that is the main reason I'm so timid to get rid of the clothing. I need to just buck up and do it.
Thank you for the incouragement! I greatly appreciate it!