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on 10/15/06 11:38 pm - Baton Rouge, LA
Topic: RE: Boy have things changed
Congratulations! I know the feeling and its a good one! Life has started anew for you and your boys. Now my kids are saying,,"whew, aren't you tired". The answer is not yet, I'll let you know. But for now lets just get on with the fun. Down 50+ and loving it! Bejai!
Amber B.
on 10/15/06 11:23 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
Christina R.
on 10/15/06 10:48 pm - Reston, VA
Topic: RE: MAUI roller coaster ride!!
Karen- Glad to hear that you are doing ok and didn't experience much damage to your home. Take care, Christina S
on 10/15/06 2:02 pm - Hopkins, MN
Topic: RE: Karen Siechen our dear WLS cheerleading sister--waiting to hear from you
Hi Karen, Am so glad you're alright, and I can only imagine how many more calories were burned with the nerve-racking day!?!! Take care, and have a better tomorrow Hugs, Patti
Karen S.
on 10/15/06 12:11 pm - Wailuku, HI
Topic: RE: MAUI roller coaster ride!!
Aloha Scott......The Big Island is so beautiful, and I did hear that they evacuated a hotel, but I don't know which one. I also heard that they evacuated a hospital because the emergency room ceiling collapsed. Very scary stuff. The airports were all closed for many hours, but I think Honolulu has opened again, as well as Maui's airport. It sure was a mess for people trying to leave or arrive though. Thank you for your kind words. Aloha, KarenS
on 10/15/06 11:50 am - Kansas City, MO
Topic: RE: MAUI roller coaster ride!!
Glad to hear you're okay. I was on the big island in March and stayed at the Fairmont Orchid for 5 days and one night in Honolulu in order to visit Pearl Harbor. It appears that the quake was on the Kona side. Do you know if there is any damage to the resort or anything? Keep in touch. Scott
Karen S.
on 10/15/06 11:45 am - Wailuku, HI
Topic: RE: Karen Siechen our dear WLS cheerleading sister--waiting to hear from you
Aloha Patti, and thank you so much for caring enough to post about my little island! It was a wild and crazy morning, and panic did set in for a couple of hours until we could get news that a tsunami was not predicted. Thankfully I have a lot of friends here and we all banded together and listened to portable radio until we knew we were going to be OK. We were all ready to head for the 4th floor of our condo complex if the ocean began to recede. Visions of the horrible pictures on CNN of the tsunami in Thailand area were dancing in my head for awhile. Something like this makes you aware of how precious life is, and friends, and safety, and the support of great people like those in here. THANKS AGAIN! Aloha nui loa, KarenS
Karen S.
on 10/15/06 11:42 am - Wailuku, HI
Topic: MAUI roller coaster ride!!
Aloha my WLS friends....well, I just got my computer back up and running after a day of crazyness. At 7:00 a.m. this morning we had a humdinger of an earthquake in Hawaii. It was centered just off the Big Island of Hawaii, which is one island to the east of Maui. I was sitting at my computer and the whole complex I live in bagan to shake and shimmer and things began tl fall off my entertainment center. My two kitties, Miss Popoki, and St. Nicholas (Nicky), came running down the hall in fear, and I decided it was time to get outside or under a table...I chose outside. A lot of people came outside and everyone was very afraid of a tsunami as we live right on the ocean. Luckily I found a portable radio and listened to the news and they said there would be no tsunami from this quake. The Big Island had a lot of damage, but little Maui was very lucky. Just no power for hours and then everything back to normal. Just wanted to let you know your Hawaiian sister is OK. But, very glad to be alive and back online. Aloha nui loa, KarenS
on 10/15/06 9:44 am - Hopkins, MN
Topic: Karen Siechen our dear WLS cheerleading sister--waiting to hear from you
I've been watching CNN coverage of the 6.6 Hawaii quake, which hit the northwestern portion of Hawaii island, just south of Maui, where Karen lives. Throughout the day, there have been over two dozen after-shocks. As of this point, no serious injuries nor deaths have been reported, though power outages are widespread. Let's keep Karen's safety in our thoughts and prayers during this major inconvenience. Thankfully no tsunami is expected.
on 10/15/06 5:09 am - Bowie, MD
Topic: Boy have things changed
Hi All you July Guys and Gals, I took my two young sons, 3 and 7, to Hershey Park this weekend and I felt like a new person! My husband is working all kinds of crazy hours and is rarely home so I said what the heck boys, let's get outta here and I bagged the chores I had planned for this weekend and we hit the road. Now just packing for two young boys and myself was a job, then I loaded the car and the boys. By this time even with my husband's help I would be pooped before my surgery. But not this time...nothing hurt and I was good to go! We got there and I unpacked everything and set us up in our hotel room. Still feeling good. We caught a shuttle to the park and then I started going on rides with my sons. I fit on everything, including the kiddy rides, I tried. Even one that my more practical side said don't ride, but you guessed it...I rode it with my oldest son who couldn't stop laughing at me as I screamed the entire ride!!!! The boys started complaining about their feet hurting after about two hours but I was fine, no discomfort! Well, that's not exactly true. I wore and packed size 26es and 3x tops. The clothes were too big and it was a bit uncomfortable my clothes flapping around me. I always wear really large sizes. I've got to stop that and enjoy the weight I've lost in the clothes I wear I guess. So it was a nice trip, I felt good and even had some fun. I can't imagine life with another 50+ lbs gone! Hope you guys are enjoying the weekend too! Take care, Sue
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